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19991229: building ldm-mcidas with no Fortran compiler
- Subject: 19991229: building ldm-mcidas with no Fortran compiler
- Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 13:51:07 -0700
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: NOAA
>Keywords: 199912282104.OAA10215 ldm-mcidas Fortran LDM netCDF fort77 mcfc
> I tried to use the mcfc to install nectCDF package. But there is the
>following error information when I run the "make test":
> Making `test' in directory /home/oper/netcdf-3.4/src/fortran
>+ gcc -E ftest.F
>gcc: ftest.F: Fortran compiler not installed on this system
>+ grep -v ^#
>+ rm ftest.f
>+ exit 1
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `ftest.o'
>Current working directory /home/oper/netcdf-3.4/src/fortran
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `subdir_target'
>Current working directory /home/oper/netcdf-3.4/src
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `fortran/test'
> Then I also try to run "make install". Everything is fine. It seems
> like the fortran compiler made the err.
Hmm... This is interesting given that the netCDF version 3.4 is bundled
with McIDAS-X and it does build correctly during the McIDAS-X build.
It is probably due to the lack of some properly set environment variables.
> I also tried to compile the one simple fortran code by mcfc. There
> is the eror when the file is ".F", but
>the file of ".f" is fine.
OK. Since the ldm-mcidas decoders that need to link against the netCDF
library do NOT use the Fortan binding (they use the C binding), you have
three quick options:
o you can ignore the 'make test' error; complete the installation;
and continue building the ldm-mcidas decoders
o if the machine you are attempting to do this on has a current distribution
of McIDAS-X on it (like 7.5 or 7.6), then you already have the netCDF
built (unless you did a 'make clobber' in the ~mcidas/mcidas7.6/src
directory after building McIDAS). The place to look for this would
be the ~mcidas/mcidas7.6/netcdf/libsrc directory. There you should
find libnetcdf.a and several netcdf include files
o you could use the binary netCDF distribution from our anonymous FTP
server as I indicated previously.
Any of the three options above should allow you to compile and build the
ldm-mcidas FSL wind profiler decoder, proftomd, on your system.
I am betting that the reason that the 'make test' for the netCDF failed due
to lack of appropriate FC or FFLAGS environment variables. To review
what these should look like, you should check out my McIDAS-X "Notes and
Warnings" web page: