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19991025: Missing AREA files
- Subject: 19991025: Missing AREA files
- Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 17:01:22 -0600
>From: address@hidden (Steve Carson)
>Organization: UCAR/EOS
>Keywords: 199910252239.QAA20222 ldm-mcidas ROUTE.SYS
>I have noticed that my LDM 5.0.8 is not accumulating McIDAS AREA files
>as I would expect. I discovered this when I tried to display a loop of
>the 10 latest GOES East Visible images and got a "loop" with data in
>frames 1 & 2, then nothing in 3-8, and finally data again in frames 9
>& 10. According to the MCGUI commands window, this should be trying to
>make a loop out of McIDAS AREA files 140-149. However, in my
>~ldm/data/mcidas directory (which maps to /MOPITT/ldm/mcidas) I find:
>... (excerpt)
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2439056 Oct 25 14:18 AREA0120
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2439056 Oct 25 15:18 AREA0121
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2439056 Oct 25 16:19 AREA0122
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2439056 Oct 25 13:18 AREA0123
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2439056 Oct 25 14:17 AREA0130
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2439056 Oct 25 15:18 AREA0131
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2439056 Oct 25 16:18 AREA0132
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2439056 Oct 25 13:17 AREA0133
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2422256 Oct 25 14:38 AREA0140
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2422256 Oct 25 15:39 AREA0141
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2422256 Oct 25 12:39 AREA0142
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2422256 Oct 25 13:38 AREA0143
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2422256 Oct 25 14:37 AREA0150
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2422256 Oct 25 15:37 AREA0151
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2422256 Oct 25 12:37 AREA0152
>-rw-rw-rw- 1 ldm unidata 2422256 Oct 25 13:37 AREA0153
>...(end excerpt)
>Only AREA files 140-143 exist. The same pattern holds for the other
>sequences; 120-123, 130-133 and so on.
This shows that the default number of images is being saved. This,
in turn tells us that the file ROUTE.SYS that should be in the
directory into which these images get decoded was either damaged
or deleted. The McIDAS routing table, ROUTE.SYS, controls the
output namespace for the products received from the Unidata-Wisconsin
>About 1 month ago, my installation was working fine, and I was
>getting all the data I expected, i.e. AREA files 140-149 were
>all there (as well as 120-129, 130-139, etc.).
So, ROUTE.SYS existed, was readable and writable by the user running
the LDM, and was not damaged at that time.
>However, about
>two weeks ago, our system administrator shut down the system
>without first doing an "ldmadmin stop". I suspect this may be
>the cause of my problems.
This may have damaged ROUTE.SYS if a routine was writing to it when he
shut down the system.
>(I was gone when he did this.) When
>I returned and discovered what had happened, I did:
>ldmadmin stop (it said "LDM is not running")
>ldmadmin delqueue
>ldmadmin mkqueue
>ldmadmin start
>Things *seemed* to start running, but I've had some squirrely
>behavior ever since then.
Probably from damaged files.
>I would greatly appreciate if someone
>could shed any light on the present situation and/or give me
>a clue as to where to start looking. Since I have not made *any*
>changes to *any* LDM or McIDAS configuration files since the
>day Tom Yoksas helped me get things up and running, I suspect
>my current difficulties have to do with the unexpected shutdown
>of our machine 'mop1'. Let me know if there is anything else
>you would like to look at. Thanks for all your help!
I would check:
o existence of ROUTE.SYS and SYSKEY.TAB in the directory into which
McIDAS AREA files get decoded
o make sure that ROUTE.SYS and SYSKEY.TAB are readable and writable
by the user running the LDM
o make sure that the LDM is not running as root
Regarding your earlier email about strange directories in ~ldm:
>From address@hidden Mon Oct 25 10:21:37 1999
>I have had LDM 5.0.8 up and running for a month or more and it works
>fine - mostly. However I suspect all is not right because within a few
>hours after starting it up I begin to see strange directories being
>created in $HOME/ldm. I have included an example 'ls -Fla' of same
>(/mop1/ldm). It looks like these new directories all contain *.wmo
>files. I'll be darned if I can see what's wrong with my pqact.conf
>file though. I have also included a copy of my pqact.conf. My intent
>is to have all LDM products written to /MOPITT/ldm which is a large,
>non-backed-up file system. These weird directories in /mop1/ldm aren't
>really causing any immediate problem, but I'm sure they indicate
>something is not right, so I'd like to fix it if I can. Let me know if
>there is anything else you need to look at. Thanks for your help!
>listing of /mop1/ldm:
>total 1132
>drwxrwxr-x 4 ldm unidata 31 Oct 16 06:12 !/
>drwxr-xr-x 45 ldm unidata 2048 Oct 25 10:04 ./
>drwxr-xr-x 48 root sys 2048 Sep 8 15:57 ../
>-rw------- 1 ldm unidata 2000 Oct 25 10:04 .Xauthority
>-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm unidata 1920 Sep 13 13:53 .cshrc
>-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm unidata 1920 Sep 13 13:33 .cshrc~
>drwx------ 2 ldm unidata 59 Sep 20 10:32 .elm/
>-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm unidata 741 Sep 7 10:28 .login
>drwx------ 7 ldm unidata 70 Oct 25 10:00 .mctmp/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ldm unidata 72 Sep 20 10:59
>drwxrwxr-x 3 ldm unidata 20 Oct 15 16:34 0/
>drwxrwxr-x 3 ldm unidata 20 Oct 19 07:15 1/
>drwxrwxr-x 3 ldm unidata 20 Oct 20 07:38 132/
>drwxrwxr-x 2 ldm unidata 26 Oct 18 09:44 15/
>drwxrwxr-x 3 ldm unidata 20 Oct 23 05:20 ;/
>drwxrwxr-x 3 ldm unidata 20 Oct 15 02:37 ;hV/
>drwxrwxr-x 3 ldm unidata 20 Oct 13 23:14 <O/
>drwxrwxr-x 3 ldm unidata 20 Oct 18 00:52 ?K/
>drwxrwxr-x 3 ldm unidata 20 Oct 16 20:27 ?T/
I am willing to bet that this situation did not exist until the unexpected
shutdown also.
>excerpt from my pqact.conf file: (all the non-commented stuff)
># Bin all the (Non-GRIB) WMO format data, using elements from the
># identifier as path components. The minutes portion of the timestamp,
># and the retransmit code is ignored. The day of the month portion
># of the timestamp is not used as a path component, so it would be
># a good idea to run 'scour' on a less than 24 hour basis.
># "ASUS42 KRDU 012259" gets filed as
># data/US/KRDU/22/AS42.wmo
>WMO ^([^H][A-Z])([A-Z][A-Z])([0-9][0-9]) (....) ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])
> FILE data/WMO/\2/\4/\6/\1\3.wmo
># Entries below copied from 'ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf' as downloaded from
># http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/mcidas/mcidd/ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf.html
># on 07-SEP-1999 by sgc
>#### Unidata-Wisconsin channel products
># NOTE: For the products in the Unidata-Wisconsin channel, the product
># identifier is actually a McIDAS command invocation. The actions
># specified below key off of components of the "command line".
>#### Unidata-Wisconsin channel image (AREA) files
> PIPE -close
> lwtoa3 -d data/mcidas -v
>#### NLDN lightning product
> PIPE -close
> nldn2md -d data/mcidas -v 70 NLDN DIALPROD=LD \1\2 \3\400 DEV=CCN
>#### IDD FSL2 FSL Wind Profiler netCDF file to MD action
># Hourly summary
>FSL2 ^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\.01hr\.(.*)\..*
> PIPE -close
> proftomd -d data/mcidas -v U2 WPRO 81
># 6-minute
>FSL2 ^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\.06min\.(.*)\..*
> PIPE -close
> proftomd -d data/mcidas -v U6 WPR6 91
># XCD decoders for MCIDAS
> PIPE xcd_run DDS
>HRS .*
> PIPE xcd_run HRS
I don't see anything obviously wrong in your pqact.conf. I have
see this problem before, but I can't remember what the cause of it
was. I will check with Chiz tomorrow since he was the one that
discovered the fix the first time.
If the ROUTE.SYS and SYSKEY.TAB pointers above don't help, I will jog
up tomorrow and give things a look.
>From address@hidden Mon Oct 25 23:34:04 1999
>You're right (of course); ROUTE.SYS does not exist in
>~ldm/data/mcidas -> /MOPITT/ldm/mcidas
>and I already had to copy in an undamaged version of
>SYSKEY.TAB a while back because MCGUI wouldn't run.
>I'll fix ROUTE.SYS tomorrow when I get in, which won't
>be until afternoon.
re: situation did not exist until the unexpected shutdown
>I believe that is correct.
re: If ROUTE.SYS/SYSKEY.TAB pointers above don't help, I will jog up tomorrow
>Thanks a million! I won't be in until afternoon, so I'll see
>how it looks then.