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[Datastream #SXB-674928]: GOES East West imagery...
- Subject: [Datastream #SXB-674928]: GOES East West imagery...
- Date: Thu, 26 May 2016 09:47:15 -0600
Hi Gilles,
> Hope everything great in Boulder,
Boulder is very nice in the spring and summer!
> just a few questions for you:
> - For the release of IDV Version 5.3, in the release notes it is mentioned
> the following "The local McIDAS area files can be calibrated and spatially
> subset, currently only for the GVAR (GOES) area > Hi Tom,files in this
> release and
> we are working on area files from other satellites."
> Does that mean that with this version I can do the same work than with
> McIDAS on GOES imagery (like putting together GOES West and East imagery
> together for example),
> or what does that mean?
Before the IDV 5.3 release, the only "unit" that one could display
from locally held images in AREA file format was 'Brightness'. If one
wanted to display IR images as Temperatures, then the data had to be
served from a McIDAS-X ADDE server. Yuan is adding the support for
displaying locally held imagery in all of the calibrated units that
should be available for the type of image.
> - As for visualizing GOES data like you helped me to do manually, how can
> I make it automatic so that the product could be ready to put it on a web
> page at specific times of the day for example? Let me know if there is a
> specific material to read on that matter with a link or something like
> that, that would be great to start to work on that (perhaps I need LDM and
> a server),
The easiest way to do this is to create a script that will produce the
display you want and then run the script from a cron entry (if you
don't know about 'cron', it is a Unix/Linux facility that allows one
to run jobs at certain times).
There are tutorials for the IDV that address putting together scripts
to produce displays. After you have a working script, having run by
a cron entry is very simple, and information on running things from
cron can be found through links shown in Google (tm) searches.
> - One email last year I think from UNIDATA mentioned higher resolution GFS
> output data, and if UNIDATA community was interested in that. Did these
> higher resolution GFS output became available and where could I checked
> them?
There are now 0.25 degree global GFS fields being distributed in the
IDD CONDUIT datastream. I believe that these data are being served by
the TDS (THREDDS Data Server) on one or more of the machines where
we are running TDS.
> - I noticed that at my institution before it was impossible to connect to
> UNIDATA server from the network there, but it is working just fine now, did
> the protocl changed (some time ago I read the following "6.2. How do I
> connect to remote servers through my firewall? *A.* If you have a firewall
> and you try to get data from the remote servers (image, radar, point, upper
> air and profiler data), you may get error messages such as "Error opening
> connection ... Operation timed out" or "No Data Available." For these
> servers to send data, your firewall software must allow connections on
> ports 112 (ADDE) and 8080 (THREDDS Data Server)", but perhaps this has
> changed)
Our firewalls have always allowed all traffic to our ADDE and TDS servers.
The only time we block access is when a site abuses access to these servers
(for example, when a site kicks off 1000 simultaneous connections, and basically
creates a defacto denial of service attack that prevents others from getting
access to data). Why your access was not working before is a mystery to me.
> And the last one, is that I do not see any workshops this year at UNIDATA.
> No workshop this summer or fall?
We will be holding our annual training workshops this fall. The information
for the next regularly scheduled series of workshops is available on our
Unidata HomePage
Events -> Training Workshops
2016 Training Workshop
> Thanks again and hi to all the team,
No worries, and will do.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SXB-674928
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Urgent
Status: Closed
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