Brian, This is what matplotlib does. See attached. Best, Unidata IDV Support > Animated gif with numerous, fat contours is clearer > > [] > > > On Jan 20, 2016, at 10:37 PM, Brian Mapes > <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote: > > Oh, I notice that smoothing was on in the contour display. When I set the > countours unsmoothed,there is still some purple (color mixing), but it is all > within pixel scale it seems. > > > <PastedGraphic-6.png> > > <IDVcont.colormixing.gif> > > > > > On Jan 20, 2016, at 7:31 PM, Unidata IDV Support > <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote: > > Brian, > > Yes, I don't think it is a problem with the color scale. This may be a subtle > contouring artifact where the contouring algorithm is drifting into areas in > shouldn't, if you see what I mean. This is something you would never notice > except in these two-tone scenarios. (I would continue experimenting with the > contouring parameters rather than the color table at this point.) > > Can you explain to me how you are deriving DTdy? I am curious how other > plotting packages handle these data. > > Best, > > Unidata IDV Support > > I wonder if it is a matter of having only 6 colors in the table? > > No, I made it more (still half red, half blue) using the + in the color table > editor, and changed the range, and the contours are still woozy purplish . > So it is not some color-interpolation thing I think. > > > > On Jan 20, 2016, at 6:44 PM, Unidata IDV Support > <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote: > > Brian, > > Thinking about this a bit more, I don't believe there is a bug or problem > here. > > The color table is being displayed in exactly the manner you wish. In > particular, where you are seeing "blending" are areas where values in the > contour data are actually going back and forth across zero and therefore are > mixed > purple. It is not the colors that are blending, it is the data themselves > across > the "zero boundary". > > Another way of looking at this is choosing a two tone black and white color > table. The white will fade into the background. You will see grey as the data > approach either side of zero. > > Do you buy this theory? :-) > > Best, > > Unidata IDV Support > > Same issue when I import this new table. > Contours are not uniform red or blue, but mixed purple. > Thicker contour line width helps show it. > > [cid:3EC5425C-85EE-4B22-87E4-1F10BC1A1C6C] > > > > > > On Jan 20, 2016, at 3:16 PM, Unidata IDV Support > <address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden><mailto:address@hidden>> wrote: > > Brian, > > It is not that the colors are bleeding, it is your color table that appears to > be discreet, but apparently is not. Remove all other displays and you will see > what I mean. I am unfortunately having trouble loading your bundle though I > did > get it to load once where I was able to come to that conclusion. > > Try the attached color table which I believe is actually discreet. > > Best, > > Unidata IDV Support > > > > See how some of the contours are purplish? The color bar is purely blue/red . > > Is it a bug, or something we have to live with? > Small .zidv bundle attached along with screenshot. > > Brian > > > > > > > > > > Ticket Details > =================== > Ticket ID: WAX-506623 > Department: Support IDV > Priority: Normal > Status: Open > > > = > > > > ********************************************* > Brian Mapes, Professor > Department of Atmospheric Sciences > Meteorology and Physical Oceanography Program > RSMAS, University of Miami > 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway > Miami, FL 33149-1098 > > phone: (305) 421-4275 > fax: (305) 421-4696 > email: address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden> > Web: > ********************************************** > > > > > > Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: WAX-506623 Department: Support IDV Priority: Normal Status: Open
Description: PNG image
Description: PNG image
_______________________ MATPLOTLIB COMPARISON _______________________ <2016-01-21 Thu> Table of Contents _________________ Brian, At the end of this analysis, please find meridional temperature gradient plots. Let's grab some one degree GFS data from []. ,---- | import netCDF4 | import numpy as np | ds = netCDF4.Dataset('') | ds `---- Examine the `Temperature @ Isobaric surface' variable. ,---- | temp = ds.variables['Temperature_isobaric'] | temp `---- Take a meridional slice from south to north pole. Also let's sanity check the data shape. Our usual imports Python plotting imports. ,---- | %matplotlib inline | | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | import matplotlib as mpl `---- Plot up the temperature slice. ,---- | fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) | ax = fig.add_subplot(111) | ax.imshow(tempslice,interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') | `---- [file:image/temp.png] Calculate the temperature derivative in the vertical dimension. ,---- | dTdz = np.gradient(tempslice)[0] | np.shape(dTdz) `---- (26, 181) Define a two-tone color scale. ,---- | # make a color map of fixed colors | cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['blue','red']) | bounds=[-100.0,0.0,100.0] | norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) `---- Plot `dTdz'. ,---- | fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) | ax = fig.add_subplot(111) | ax.imshow(dTdz,cmap = cmap,interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') | plt.gca().invert_yaxis() | `---- [file:image/temp2.png] Contours we will plot, but don't plot zero. ,---- | levels =,10.0,1.0), -0.01, 0.01) `---- Plot `dTdz' with contours. ,---- | fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) | plt.contour(dTdz,cmap = cmap,levels=levels) | `---- [file:image/temp4.png] Overlay contours on top of data. ,---- | fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) | ax = fig.add_subplot(111) | ax.imshow(dTdz,cmap = cmap,interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', alpha=0.2) | | cs = plt.contour(dTdz, cmap = cmap, levels=levels) | #plt.clabel(cs, cs.levels[::1], inline=True, fontsize=10) | plt.gca().invert_yaxis() | `---- [file:image/temp5.png] []