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[IDV #RPN-725239]: notes from Antigua


The short answer, is that we discovered bad data on 2013-5-22 6Z by stepping
through a time animation of precipitation _AFTER_ changing the display range
from 0 to 150 to -41 to approx. 353 (the 353 was arrived at from the 'from all
data' option in the change range widget).

The longer answer is at that time, there is an approximately -41 value data
block for that time step. This strange data block is accumulating from that
point on.

You will have to roll your own formula to clean this up. This function may work
to achieve that objective.

The "substitute" function is explained here:


def sumFromBaseTime2(field): """set the value of each time step N: D(N)= D(N) +
    D(0) """ substitute(field, -9999.8, 0, 0) return

Here is a video on creating Jython functions/formulas


Let us know if you have additional concerns.


Unidata IDV Support

> Tom,
> Thanks for the details about your training budget. For the first 3 months of
> 2015 I did some consulting work with CaribSave, a regional climate
> vulnerability and adaptation related organization for the Caribbean. CaribSave
> recognizes the value in hosting a Caribbean wide IDV training. CaribSave is
> extremely impressed with the IDV and called it a "game-changer" in the way the
> under-staffed Caribbean met. services could approach diagnostic and 
> forecasting
> needs. They are aware of the funding constraints for you guys to attend and
> would like to actually seek external funding to provide the resources for you
> guys to be present for the training. So far this is just a good idea, but it 
> is
> at least something that CaribSave wants to pursue. I'll be sure to keep you
> posted.
> On a separate note, today I discovered an issue with a very simple IDV bundle
> (attached). Basically, the xidv bundle reads in TRMM 3-hr data for the period
> between 15 May - 15 Jun 2012. In addition, it calculates an accumulation from
> the initial time step. All works great. But, when I adjust the time driver to
> change the dates for 15may-15Jun 2013, the accumulated rainfall data has a 
> huge
> area of what appears to be missing data. You'll see a strong line running near
> the southern boarder of Guatemala (during the 2013 year) as if the accumulated
> rainfall south of that region has been deleted. I know there should be
> accumulated rainfall there because the TRMM 3-hr data in that area. Check out
> the white swath in the attached image. Any idea what causes this despite the
> fact that the 3hr TRMM data is plotted in that region.
> Thanks again for all of your help, MUCH appreciated.
> teddy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Unidata IDV Support" <address@hidden>
> To: address@hidden
> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 2:58:24 PM
> Subject: [IDV #RPN-725239]: notes from Antigua
> Hi Teddy,
> I'm replying because both Yuan and Julien are out of the office at the
> moment (it is spring break time here in Colorado, and they both have 
> families).
> I just wanted to touch base with you regarding your note below to let you
> know that your promotion of the IDV and comments about user reactions are
> greatly appreciated!  I also wanted to make you aware that we (at least
> Yuan and I) would be interested in there being a regional IDV (and RAMADDA
> other Unidata offerings) workshop in the Caribbean.  The unfortunate problem
> with our participation is an extremely tight budget here in Unidata.  If
> a regional workshop were to be organized, it is possible that we would be
> participating on our own dimes. This may or may not be a show stopper 
> depending
> on when, where and for how long such an event were held.
> Secondly, congratulations on finishing your PhD Dr. Allen :-)
> Cheers,
> Tom
> > Greetings IDV gurus!
> >
> > I just wanted to share a note with you all that the IDV was extremely well
> > received by members of the Antigua Meteorology Service. I just returned from
> > a week visiting Antigua and Dominica working with a regional climate
> > vulnerability and adaptation organization. During the week I met with
> > members from the met. service as well as with members from the Office of the
> > Environment and Office of Agriculture. Like most software, IDV can be met
> > with a sense of grudge, but interest explodes when 3D animations complete
> > with vertical cross sections and windspeed isosurfaces are displayed. I have
> > an incredible IDV bundle that diagnoses spring rains that seals the deal for
> > those wanting to learn and apply the IDV.
> >
> > I have yet to experience a negative or even luke-warm reaction about the IDV
> > from met. service employees. In fact, there is growing demand for official
> > training on a regional scale. As a result, this year I hope to collaborate
> > with the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) to provide
> > a multi-day workshop. I truly believe that the IDV will help offset some of
> > the limitations experienced by Caribbean met. service workers by supplying a
> > tool that will maximize the limited time budgets experienced by the majority
> > of Caribbean met. departments. I know from personal experience that the IDV
> > revolutionized my analysis and visualization time compared to traditional
> > command line techniques.
> >
> > Anyway, just more fan mail fodder to let you know how appreciated and
> > relevant your work continues to be.
> >
> > Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. If the whole world used
> > IDV (and surfed), we would have no more headaches!
> >
> > cheers,
> > teddy allen
> >
> > p.s. now post-doc at the IRI with Columbia University
> Cheers,
> Tom
> --
> ****************************************************************************
> Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
> (303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
> address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
> ****************************************************************************
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: RPN-725239
> Department: Support IDV
> Priority: Normal
> Status: Open

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RPN-725239
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed