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[IDV #MAA-638768]: McIDAS-V

Dr. Ray,

You have contacted the IDV support team, not McIDAS V.

You may be able to contact the McIDAS team here:


Best Wishes,

Unidata IDV Support

> We have downloaded a copy of McIDAS V here at Florida State (FSU)  Our
> project involves the use of GOES-13 data, basically visible, Ch 2 and
> Ch 4.  Our project is to develop a fog climatology in Florida that uses
> Satellite data in addition to surface data (ASOS and AWOS).  It turns
> out CH 2 is shifted about 1.5 pixels West of where they should be.
> While that is a short distance since we are looking at the difference
> it is critical that they be collocated.  In McIDAS X there is an IMGLIST
> AND IMGCHA command that shifts the data.
> How do you suggest we do that shift.
> Also, using McIDAS-V can we make a geographic mask, that is we only care
> about the data interior to the state of Florida?
> I hope you can help us.  No one here works with this kind of data.
> Dr. Peter Ray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MAA-638768
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed