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[IDV #DGU-343008]: IDV v5.0: ISL script to save image fails with custom projection

> IDV support,
> I'm running IDV v5.0 (nightly build downloaded 4/1/14) on a Mac running Mac 
> OS X v.10.8.5 (Mountain Lion).
> I've created a bundle (JetStream_NAmer.GFS.NAStrgrph.xidv, attached) that 
> creates a 300 mb jet stream display for North America, using a 12Z April 1, 
> 2014 GFS model (0.5 degree) analysis of 300 mb u- and v-components of the 
> wind as the data source. (This small GFS 
> file<http://virga.sfsu.edu/data/GRIB/crwsmaps/14040112_gfs2_UV30.grb>, called 
> 14040112_gfs2_UV30.grb, can be acquired 
> here<http://virga.sfsu.edu/data/GRIB/crwsmaps/14040112_gfs2_UV30.grb>.)
> The projection used for the display is custom-designed: a polar stereographic 
> projection covering most of North America. I've created a plugin 
> (CRWS_Projections.jar, attached) that loads this custom projection, which is 
> called "North America Polar Stereographic".
> By itself, this bundle works fine. (To use the bundle at Unidata, you'll have 
> to edit it in three places to specify the appropriate local path to the GFS 
> data source file, which you'll have to download.)
> I've also created an ISL script (JetStream_NAmer.isl, attached) that will 
> load a bundle called "JetStream_NAmer.xidv" and create a GIF image of the 
> display (14040112_jetstream_anal.gif, attached). Unfortunately, the image 
> shows only a 3-D wireframe box and a background map. (To test the ISL script, 
> first copy the attached bundle JetStream_NAmer.GFS.NAStrgrph.xidv to 
> JetStream_NAmer.xidv. Again, the bundle will have to be edited to specify a 
> local path to the GFS data source file.)
> To see if the custom projection was the source of the problem, I created a 
> second bundle (JetStream_NAmer.GFS.NAProj.xidv, attached) that creates a 
> similar display from the same data source, except that it uses one of the 
> IDV's pre-existing projections ("North America"). By itself, this bundle 
> works fine. Moreover, when I copy this bundle to JetStream_NAmer.xidv and run 
> the ISL script, the GIF image of the display 
> (14040112_jetstream_anal.NAProj.gif, attached) looks as intended. (This works 
> regardless of whether or not I've got the CRWS_Projections.jar plugin 
> installed, since this bundle doesn't use the installed custom projection.)
> These results seem to finger the custom projection pretty clearly as the 
> problem that the ISL script has in creating a GIF image of the display 
> created by the bundle.
> -- Dave

     I tried to reproduce this locally and didn't seeing any problem. 
     I created a projection named china1 and wrote into a jar file, and then I 
removed this projection and installed the jar file to get the china1 projection 
in my IDV.

     Now, I changed projection to china1, and loaded GFS 1.0, selected 
temperature field, using Match Display Area to create a simple display.

     Save as ISL file, and open the isl file, the resulting image is corrected.

     I wonder if you can repeat this with your projection, just a simple bundle 
using GFS and one display.

> [cid:df6faada-e3bf-48b8-94f7-c41ab674ab44@ad.sfsu.edu]
> [cid:382417ec-8c70-4ee0-a028-4c0a32556613@ad.sfsu.edu]
> ***************************************************************
> *   Dr. Dave Dempsey                             |       ^   ___       \|/    
>  *
> *   Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences   |  ) ^     /||_||\    --0--  *
> *   San Francisco State University        | )  )    /  ||_||  \    /|\     *
> *   1600 Holloway Ave.                           |  )  )  /   ||_||    \      
>     *
> *   San Francisco, CA   94132               |  )  ) /    ||_||      \   ^   *
> *                                                                  | )  )  )  
>   ||_||        \      *
> *   Phone:  (415) 338-7716                    |  )  )  )~||~||~~~~ \~~*
> *   FAX:      (415) 338-7705                    | )  )  )  ) ~  ~  ~ ~ ~ ~*
> *   Email:   address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>             |  )  )   )  ) 
> ) ~  ~   ~ ~ *
> ***************************************************************

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DGU-343008
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open