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[IDV #KNH-458454]: Export data to CSV through of an ISL Script

Dear Mauricio,

Unfortunately, at this time, the ISL CSV export functionality works only for 
Point Data not gridded data.


Best Wishes,

Unidata IDV Support

> Hi, we can't get a CSV file by means of an ISL Script.
> We're trying to do the suggested in the 7.1.3 section  (example
> "<export> Export data to netCDF or CSV"), but it does not generate any
> output CSV file (we get the java exception "IllegalArgumentException").
> We send our "prototype example". Specifically we don't know what are
> doing wrong (know that we're specifing a wrong value in the use of the
> "display" attribute).
> What we need to correct to make it work?. We have little experiencie in
> the IDV world!!,
> Thanks a lot for advance,
> Best regards,
> Mauricio
> +54 299 4492313
> Autoridad Interjurisdiccional de Cuencas de los Ríos Limay, Neuquén
> y Negro
> 9 de Julio 496 | (R8324BHJ), Cipolletti, Río Negro | Argentina
> www.aic.gob.ar <http://www.aic.gob.ar/>

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KNH-458454
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed