> I am not able to publish to my RAMADDA for some reason. > I reconfigured it, but keep getting this error: > How has facebook insinuated itself here?? > I made sure I am logged out of FB on the broswer. > It's just spooky. > > Error publishing: > <html xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> > <head><title>RSMAS-UM Data Repository: this is the > web portal to a RAMADDA server - Error </title> > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; > charset=utf-8" /> > > Brian, According to Jeff, "the he xmlns with facebook is a relic of some old functionality where ramadda could have an embedded Like on Facebook like", and he will remove. "But the error is coming from somewhere else". I get a new plugin, maybe you can try to see if this new plugin can help. Yuan > > It's not in my .xml somewhere: > bmapes.rsmas.miami.edu{bem} 107: /Users/bem/Downloads 5:14:22pm: grep facebo > ~/.unidata/idv/DefaultIdv/* > bmapes.rsmas.miami.edu{bem} 108: /Users/bem/Downloads 5:14:33pm: grep facebo > ~/.unidata/idv/DefaultIdv/*/* > bmapes.rsmas.miami.edu{bem} 109: /Users/bem/Downloads 5:14:36pm: grep facebo > ~/.unidata/idv/DefaultIdv/*/*/* > bmapes.rsmas.miami.edu{bem} 110: /Users/bem/Downloads 5:14:39pm: > > Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: TGK-323668 Department: Support IDV Priority: Normal Status: Open
Description: application/java-archive