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[IDV #NVG-651398]: Donut hole poleward of 30N

> Full Name: brian mapes
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: u of miami
> Package Version: 4.1u1 build date:2013-10-08 19:00 UTC
> Operating System: Mac OS X
> Hardware: Java: home: 
> /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home version: 
> 1.6.0_65 j3d:1.5.2 fcs (build4)
> Description of problem: Attached is a one-time, one-source, one-display 
> bundle that is failing me.
> In addition to the annoying notch at the dateline, I see nothing poleward of 
> 30N!
> I tried re-projecting to North America, North Pole etc. Ho fix.
> I am trying to rebuild this bundle I made during training in summer 2012, 
> which has fixed times.  This link loads still fine to me. But now I cannot 
> reproduce even its simplest display under the time driver, a shaded plan view 
> covering the pole. Argh!
> http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu:8080/repository/entry/get/Wallace%20Hobbs%20Ch8%20case%201998-11-18%20MERRA%20PV.xidv?entryid=1ec044cc-893f-4912-9399-42c308e420ec
     The problem of not see any display is that you did not set the "Uses TIme 
Dirver Times" for each display. After using the animation widget to set the  
time driver, you need to go to display control, and select views > Times > Uses 
Time Driver Times for each display.  When you finish the last display control, 
select the File > Reload data in the same display control. This will reload all 
     I tested your bundle, it is working correctly.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NVG-651398
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open