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[IDV #GMD-821596]: netCDF file: IDV only sees one time level, and valid_range misses the negative lower bound

> I have some .nc files giving me trouble. Can you help please?
> Here is a file, its header is pasted below if you can see just from that.
> http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu:8080/repository/entry/show/UM+RAMADDA+Data+Repository/Users/siwon+song/%5B250kmevents%5D+Composite.12456789.T2Mmovie.nc3?entryid=ba5ff34c-5748-4a0a-b2c1-3c7d669d42f0<http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu:8080/repository/entry/show/UM+RAMADDA+Data+Repository/Users/siwon+song/[250kmevents]+Composite.12456789.T2Mmovie.nc3?entryid=ba5ff34c-5748-4a0a-b2c1-3c7d669d42f0>
> I notice that RAMADDA's Show Header function doesn't show the valid_range 
> attribute.
> Strange. But it is in the ncdump -h header pasted below.
> ----------------------
> 1. My first problem is that valid_range is
> T2M:valid_range = 1.e+15f, 1.e+15f ;
> I tried to fix it:
> ncatted -O -a valid_range,LWTUP,o,f,\"-1.0E7,1.0E7\" 
> Composite.12456789.T2Mmovie.nc3
> Now I get
> T2M:valid_range = 0.f, 1.e+07f ;
> It fixes things for me since all my values are positive,
> but why can't I get a negative sign into the lower end of valid_range?
> That's probably how the header got broken in the first place.

     ncatted is a command from nco and not in our hand at all.
> ----------------------
> 2. That allows me to open it with IDV and make a plot.
> I get an error message (I'm Feeling Lucky fails), but I click OK and
> the Data Source appears.
> But I only see one time level. Why?
> [cid:05411747-3AB7-4C78-836D-0A426943A324]

I will download and let you know what is wrong.

> ----------------
> Full header is pasted below. Any ncatted type fixes you can suggest would be 
> great! Thanks!
> bmapes.rsmas.miami.edu{bem} 129:  /Users/bem/Downloads 1:40:43pm: ncdump -h 
> Composite.12456789.T2Mmovie.nc3
> netcdf Composite.12456789.T2Mmovie {
> dimensions:
> time = UNLIMITED ; // (36 currently)
> lat = 134 ;
> lon = 134 ;
> variables:
> float T2M(time, lat, lon) ;
> T2M:long_name = "T2M" ;
> T2M:units = "unknown" ;
> T2M:_FillValue = 1.e+15f ;
> T2M:missing_value = 1.e+15f ;
> T2M:fmissing_value = 1.e+15f ;
> T2M:standard_name = "T2M" ;
> T2M:vmin = 1.e+15f ;
> T2M:vmax = 1.e+15f ;
> T2M:valid_range = 0.f, 1.e+07f ;
> double lat(lat) ;
> lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
> lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
> double lon(lon) ;
> lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
> lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
> int time(time) ;
> time:long_name = "time" ;
> time:units = "minutes since 2010-02-04 14:30:00" ;
> time:time_increment = 60000 ;
> time:begin_date = 20100204 ;
> time:begin_time = 143000 ;
> // global attributes:
> :History = "Thu Jan 24 13:40:43 2013: ncatted -O -a 
> valid_range,T2M,o,f,\"-1.0E7,1.0E7\" Composite.12456789.T2Mmovie.nc3\n",
> "Thu May 17 10:25:39 2012: ncea Case1.T2Mmovie.nc3 Case2.T2Mmovie.nc3 
> Case4.T2Mmovie.nc3 Case5.T2Mmovie.nc3 Case6.T2Mmovie.nc3 Case7.T2Mmovie.nc3 
> Case8.T2Mmovie.nc3 Case9.T2Mmovie.nc3 Composite.12456789.T2Mmovie.nc3\n",
> "Mon Sep 13 12:00:19 2010: ncks -3 Case1.T2Mmovie.nc Case1.T2Mmovie.nc3\n",
> "Mon Sep 13 11:43:38 2010: ncrcat -O T2Mpatch100.nc T2Mpatch101.nc 
> T2Mpatch102.nc T2Mpatch103.nc T2Mpatch104.nc T2Mpatch105.nc T2Mpatch106.nc 
> T2Mpatch107.nc T2Mpatch108.nc T2Mpatch109.nc T2Mpatch110.nc T2Mpatch111.nc 
> T2Mpatch112.nc T2Mpatch113.nc T2Mpatch114.nc T2Mpatch115.nc T2Mpatch116.nc 
> T2Mpatch117.nc T2Mpatch118.nc T2Mpatch119.nc T2Mpatch120.nc T2Mpatch121.nc 
> T2Mpatch122.nc T2Mpatch123.nc T2Mpatch124.nc T2Mpatch125.nc T2Mpatch126.nc 
> T2Mpatch127.nc T2Mpatch128.nc T2Mpatch129.nc T2Mpatch130.nc T2Mpatch131.nc 
> T2Mpatch132.nc T2Mpatch133.nc T2Mpatch134.nc T2Mpatch135.nc 
> max_PRECTOT_250km/Case1.T2Mmovie.nc\n",
> "Mon Sep 13 11:42:35 2010: ncks -O -v T2M -d lat,-4.125,1.875 -d 
> lon,286.103,292.103 
> /discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/g6dev/pub/Fortuna-cubed-c2000/holding-e20100202_21z_c2l/tavg1_2d_slv_Nx/Fortuna-cubed-c2000_latlon.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.20100204_1430z.nc4
>  T2Mpatch100.nc\n",
> "File written by MAPL_CFIO" ;
> :Source = "unknown" ;
> :Title = "Bundle Write Test" ;
> :Contact = "unknown" ;
> :Conventions = "COARDS" ;
> :Institution = "unknown" ;
> :References = "see MAPL documentation" ;
> :Comment = "unknown" ;
> :nco_openmp_thread_number = 1 ;
> }
> Brian Mapes
> address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden> or address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GMD-821596
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open