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[IDV #ZRQ-267528]: Color bar problems

Greetings Jim!

I've tried to reproduce the situation outlined in you support message, but I am 
just not able to do so.I may have misunderstood, but here is what I did.

1) I isolated two grid points in a model grid (located next to each other). 
Their values are 955.847 hPa and 962.87 hPa.

2) I set the bounds such that each grid point was contained within one 
increment. The upper bound was set to 962.9 hPa and the lower bound was set to 
955.8 hPa, and the increment was 0.1 hPa

3) I changed the color scale and contour information to match the increment 
that contained each point (955.8 - 955.9, 962.8-962.9), and made the range such 
that the two values were on opposite ends of the scale. Also, only the first 
and last increments are set to have color (blue and red) - the middle of the 
range is set to white.

4) I switched the range from ascending to descending (from 955.8 -> 962.9 to 
962.9 -> 955.8). Based on your report, I expected to see one of the colored 
contours to turn to white on the figure, since the contours seem to shift one 
increment on the screen (maybe this is where I am going wrong).

From what I saw, everything looks ok - both colors still showed up, and nothing 
changed in the contouring shown on the image. I've attached two figures showing 
what I did.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the issue? Would you mind sending an example (a 
bundle or some screen shots?).



> > I recently noticed an issue with the contour color fill legend *in
> > situations where you specify a range that is descending (i.e., from
> > 100-0) rather than ascending (i.e., from 0-100).  If descending, the
> > color fill in the figure is off by one increment compared to the
> > legend.  This is most easily seen if you select a color table with a
> > small number of increments.
> >
> > A work around is to simply invert the color table so that you can use an
> > ascending range, but it would be good to have this fixed so that nobody
> > makes an unanticipated mistake.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jim
> >
> >
> Jim,
> It does sound like a bug.
> Thanks for information, we will fix this problem after the AMS.
> Yuan

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZRQ-267528
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

Attachment: valuesAscend.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: ascend.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: descend.jpg
Description: JPEG image