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[IDV #IJD-786869]: specifying level with isl

> In the attached isl script, the level for display is set using the
> display property:
> <display param="Geopotential_height" type="planviewcontour" >
> <property name="dataSelectionLevel"
> value="50000[Pa]"/>
> I fixed one problem where the unit was not being parsed and attached to
> the Real.  However, if you load the isl in the IDV and look at the
> control, the level is listed as 50000[Pa].  Somehow, the level is not
> getting converted to the same type as the other list of levels.  This
> doesn't cause any problems, per se, but may lead to confusion on the
> user's part.  The level should probably be converted to a Real of the
> same type as the other Real objects in the levels field.
> Don
    I made some changes in the PlanViewControl, but it need more testing. 
Please take a try.

> --
> Don Murray
> 303-497-3596
> http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/people/don.murray/

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: IJD-786869
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed