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[IDV #SSC-922139]: IDV v2.9u1: Startup error again
- Subject: [IDV #SSC-922139]: IDV v2.9u1: Startup error again
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 12:04:51 -0600
> Dave-
> I'm trying to stay out of this, but....
> > > Hi Dave,
> > > The problem now is J3D, no longer Jython library. The J3D version 1.3
> > > is bit old to me, is the 1.5 version available in your machine? When you
> > > installed the IDV, I remembered there is option of 1.3 and 1.5, please
> > > try to reinstall the IDV with J3D 1.5 version.
> >
> > Yuan,
> >
> > During the installation process, the only thing I'm prompted for (other
> > than reading the license) is whether I want to install Java OpenGL, and if
> > so, for all users or just the user doing the installing--I don't see
> > anything referring to J3D version per se.
> >
> > When I run /Applications/Utilities/Java Preferences, I see a reference to
> > Java 3D 1.5.2 having been added as an extension under the "Security" tab
> > (see attached screen shot), but where else can I specify a Java 3D version?
> > If it comes with the IDV installation, then I don't seem to have any
> > control over it.
> >
> > Just for kicks, I ran the uninstaller for both v2.9 and 2.9u1 (I had both
> > versions installed) and reinstalled v2.9u1 without and then with installing
> > Java OpenGL in response to the installer's prompt. The results have been
> > the same.
> I ran into the Java3D problem on my new MacBook Pro. For some reason,
> installing Java 3D for all users doesn't seem to work. Julien can look at
> this when he returns. If you install just for the current user, your Java 3D
> problem will go away.
> As for the Jython issue, it's trying to unpack some Jython libraries into
> ~/.unidata/idv. The zip file is in external.jar. I'm not sure why it's
> failing on your system.
> Anyway, that's my $.02
When I installed this on Russ's Mac, I didn't install the J3D lib. The J3D in
Russ's machine is for all users.
Anyway, I will wait for Julien to work on this one since he has a Mac.
> Don Murray
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SSC-922139
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open