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[IDV #PNW-510251]: NOAA Profiler Plots
- Subject: [IDV #PNW-510251]: NOAA Profiler Plots
- Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 16:34:49 -0600
> Hi Yuan,
> I have been working with the CAP profiler winds display using local netCDF
> files. First, I would like to say that I can load the files with ease and
> have successfully used both the time/height display and the 3D plot. Thank
> you for your extensive work on this. I do have a few questions and they are
> listed below.
> 1) I see that the time/height and 3D plots are available. Do you anticipate
> adding the profiler station plot also?
Well, this is a easier one. I will add it soon.
> 2) Time/height display: Is there a way to capture an image of the time/height
> display control window? Also, is the y-axis adjustable so that it can be
> changed to above ground level (AGL) labeled every 500 meters as opposed to
> MSL labeled every 2000 meters? This would account for the lower heights
> measured by CAP boundary layer profilers compared to NOAA profilers that can
> reach up to tropopause.
No, you can not capture an image, but I will add this feature soon. If you
download the nightly build tomorrow, the y-axis label is better now, may not be
what you wanted, let me know if you like it or not.
> 3) Most (if not all) of the CAP profiler network measures winds in the
> boundary layer (up to approximately 4 km AGL) whereas the NPN measures up to
> around 9-16 km AGL, depending on its vertical sampling mode. This height
> difference makes for a much different looking 3D plot with CAP data - the 3D
> plot looks a bit cramped, vertically. While this display is draw to scale and
> accurate, is there a way to artificially magnify the height of the CAP
> profiler data so that the vertical extent is expanded? Perhaps a drop down
> menu in the display settings that magnifies the height 2x, 3x, etc?
If you want to adjust the vertical scale in the map view, click the vertical
scale icon on the left of the window, and change the value, it will give you
the same effect as magnifies the height.
> My reasoning behind this is that I hope to be able to create a 3D plot
> showing 3 profilers in 1 map view: a MD profiler (BLTMD), NJ profiler
> (RUTNJ), and NC profiler (CHANC). At the present time, without magnification
> of the data's vertical extent, it would be extremely difficult to see the
> wind barbs/colors for each profiler with the level of zoom required to get
> all 3 profilers in the same map view.
> 4) My previous question about plotting different QC levels of the data may be
> better illustrated by viewing the MADIS CAP Profiler Real-Time Data Display
> (http://madis-data.noaa.gov/cap/profiler.jsp?options=full)
> Note that on this site, you can select an option in the drop down QC menu
> such as "Pass Level 1" and "Applied and Pass Level 2". These options will
> filter the data based on QC flags designated by MADIS. The flags are also in
> the netCDF files. You can see this by selecting a local netCDF file I've
> uploaded in Data Choosers and select "I'm feeling lucky" as the data source
> type instead of "CDM netCDF profiler files". Then click 3D grid and you will
> see the IDV lists a few QC flag fields. More information on the applied QC is
> here (http://madis.noaa.gov/madis_sfc_qc.html). However, this might be a
> better question for the MADIS contacts I sent earlier today. They would
> likely be able to explain the file setup much more easily. Ideally I would
> want an option to select and plot the best available data (Applied and Pass
> Level 2).
This is interesting, I will put it in our to do list.
> Let me know if you need more clarification.
> Laura
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PNW-510251
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed