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[IDV #ZHO-821115]: Unable to read netcdf file

> Good Morning,
> I'm almost certainly being thick, but I've worked out that's what graduate
> students are for. I'm using IDV v2.9 and cannot open .nc files (an example
> is attached). the data originally comes from ECMWF's ERA-interim reanalysis
> project.
> I've tried a few things, renaming the variables from lon to longitude, lat
> to latitude, lev to level, converting between netcdf format types and
> manually changing the longitude data from longitude east to lon-360 to give
> negative values.
> I'd be very grateful for some advice, as this is a great software package
> which has been really useful with grib data.

     Actually, the lon/lat should be ok, you don't need to change these two 
variable names. The problem you have in this grid file is the value of the 
attribute "Convention", this file is not CF compliant and should not claim to 
be. If you put another value, the IDV can recognize it as a grid file. 
Otherwsie, the IDV will check the file according to the CF standard and reject 
it as a grid file. I used a ncml file to do the modification, see the attached.

> Regards,
> Simon Rowell

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZHO-821115
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

Attachment: 2005_2009_dev_RH.ncml
Description: Binary data