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[IDV #SDZ-847049]: Dual-Polarization in IDV
- Subject: [IDV #SDZ-847049]: Dual-Polarization in IDV
- Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 15:28:24 -0600
> To Whom It May Concern:
> Does IDV support display of dual-pol data visualization? Ideally, we would
> like to view data in 2D and 3D. I searched through the archives and found a
> request from Randy Steadham about viewing dual-pol data. Looking through the
> replies, I noticed that since there was not a standard convention for
> dual-pol data, there was no plan at the time to support visualization in IDV
> but that was four years ago. I looked through all the documentation and did
> not see anything regarding dual-pol so I assume the capability is not there
> yet but will be in the future with the upgrade to the WSR-88D coming over the
> next couple of years. Could someone clarify this a little for me?
> Thanks.
> Kenta T. Hood
We are currently working on the iosp and adapter for the dual pol data,
since the lack of document and standard, this feature might take a while to be
included in our release, we do have a few sample file from KOUN station. I
think the document should be available later this year.
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SDZ-847049
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed