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[IDV #HJG-656532]: Derived quantities in formulas

Sorry but this support request slipped through the cracks.

> I am plotting wind barbs from gridded point data (METARs) using the
> following formula:
> makeVector(newName(-D1*sin(D2), "U"),newName(-D3*cos(D4), "V"))
> It is my understanding that by using the operand names D1, D2, D3 etc,
> ticking the "Create derived quantities.." box under the "Derived" tab in the
> Formula Editor, and then specifying the data parameter names in the
> Parameters box ("SPD,DIR,SPD,DIR"), IDV should be able to bound the formula
> operands with the real data parameters on its own. However, IDV keeps asking
> what D1, D2 etc should be associated with every time I use the formula.
> How do I get IDV to understand the operand bindings to the data parameters?

First of all - you don't need to do SPD,DIR,SPD,DIR you could have a formula 
makeVector(newName(-D1*sin(D2), "U"),newName(-D1*cos(D2), "V"))

and match on the parameters: SPD,DIR

Now, if this formula is used to automatically create a derived quantity when you
load in a grid with speed and dir fields then the D1,D2,...,DN will get bound
to the fields in the grid.

However, if this formula is also to be used by the  end user then it shows up
in the Formulas and if you evaluate it you need to select appropriate fields
from a grid,  just like any other formula.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HJG-656532
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Critical
Status: Closed