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[IDV #EXW-537827]: Radar and other instruments data
- Subject: [IDV #EXW-537827]: Radar and other instruments data
- Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 14:13:46 -0700
> Hi-
> > Full Name: Nitin
> > Email Address: address@hidden
> > Organization: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
> > Package Version:
> > Operating System:
> > Hardware:
> > Description of problem: Hi,
> > I want to use IDV on a test basis as a display software for cloud and
> > precipitation radars. As of now I have many questions as I am not
> > proficient in IDV. Is there any document describing IDV's usage for cloud
> > and precipitation radars (PPI, RHI, time-height,ascope from PPI, RHI) so
> > that I can look at NETCDF data format issues.
> There are examples of the radar displays in the IDV User's Guide:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/IDV/docs/userguide/page_satelliteandradardisplays.html
> and the IDV Training Workshop:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/IDV/docs/workshop/datadisplays/level2/index.html
> What is the format of your netCDF radar data? We are working on developing a
> standard with others at UCAR. If you are interested in being part of that
> discussion, please let me know.
> Don Murray
Here is a good example for you:
netcdf file:/machine/yuanho/Desktop/nssl/netcdf90.ncml {
Azimuth = 90;
Gate = 1800;
sweep = 2;
float BeamWidth(Azimuth=90);
:Units = "Degrees";
float AzimuthalSpacing(Azimuth=90);
:Units = "Degrees";
float GateWidth(Azimuth=90);
:Units = "Meters";
float NyquistVelocity(Azimuth=90);
:Units = "MetersPerSecond";
double sweep(sweep=2);
float Reflectivity(sweep=2, Azimuth=90, Gate=1800);
:Units = "dBZ";
:NumValidRuns = -1; // int
float Azimuth(sweep=2, Azimuth=90);
:Units = "Degrees";
:Elevation = 1.29638671875; // double
:ElevationUnits = "Degrees";
:RangeToFirstGate = 10092.962890625; // double
:RangeToFirstGateUnits = "Meters";
:MissingData = -99900.0f; // float
:RangeFolded = -99901.0f; // float
:TypeName = "Reflectivity";
:DataType = "RadialSet";
:Latitude = 35.23583221435547; // double
:Longitude = -97.46194458007812; // double
:Height = 13.0; // double
:Time = 1145926820; // int
:FractionalTime = 0.0020475560000000003; // double
:attributes = " ColorMap Unit smoothingKernel";
:ColorMap-unit = "dimensionless";
:ColorMap-value = "Reflectivity";
:Unit-unit = "dimensionless";
:Unit-value = "dBZ";
:smoothingKernel-unit = "dimensionless";
:smoothingKernel-value = "none";
:format = "nssl/netcdf";
:volume = "true";
:conventions = "_Coordinates";
:ProductStationName = "TTTT";
:time_coverage_start = "2006-04-25T21:06:21Z";
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EXW-537827
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open