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[McV #VID-221148]: problems creating display (inq 595) & local data source (inq 593)

Hi Kristin-

> > I've noticed a bug in IDV concerning the attached files.
> > When you try to create the display using a Linux platform
> > it takes up to 10minutes. I've created an inquiry (595)
> > that summarizes what I've tested.
> What kind of display are you creating? All we received was the netcdf files, 
> not a bundle. Also, I assume that the inquiry you are referencing (#595) is 
> the MCV support system inquiry? When you submit an IDV support request can 
> you please include all relevant information in the request, not just a 
> reference number. Thanks.

What type of datasource are you loading this in as?  I tried it as an Image 
File (GINI) so I could get the image displays.  Then I selected the 
Imagery->Image Display display and created the display.  On Windows, this was 
pretty instantaneous.

On your Linux system, is the location on an NFS mount or is it local to the 
machine.  That's the only thing I can think of as a difference if you are 
indeed loading the same display type on all systems.

> >
> > Also, I noticed that on the IDV for OS X platforms when
> > you try to save the file as a local data source the prompt
> > window that comes up does not allow you to select save (it
> > is grayed out). I wrote up an inquiry that has more
> > detail, inq 593.
> >
> Ditto above concerning the reference number. Also,  if you have separate 
> support issues can you submit them separately? It is much easier for us to 
> keep track of the different support requests.

I'll try this today on our Mac system.

Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VID-221148
Department: Support McV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open