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[IDV #RGP-657308]: how to put a time stamp in title

> Hi there. I'm trying to write an isl file that will create a movie. I
> want to overlay some text that includes the date. Since this movie
> will be of 5 years of temperature data, I need the date to update with
> every frame . I tried doing this:
> <overlay text="Maximum Daily Temperature on %time:MMM dd, yyyy%"
> color="black" anchor="UM" place="UM,10,20" fontsize="32"/>
> but I don't get the date (I get exactly what I typed). Any suggestions
> on how to do this?

The support for this time: formatting macro was not implemented in the ISL.
It now is and will be in tonight's nightly build.

However, we don't use the "%" to delineate the macro. We use "${" and "}", e.g.:
<overlay text="Maximum Daily Temperature on ${time:MMM dd, yyyy}"
  color="black" anchor="UM" place="UM,10,20" fontsize="32"/>

Otherwise it is just the same as for the legend label and display list.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RGP-657308
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Emergency
Status: Closed