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[IDV #RJF-252466]: Dislaying CEDRIC NetCDF

Hi Daniel-

> I am trying to display dual-doppler analysis output data, which should be 
> gridded files, that come out as a type of NetCDF.  I have tried the different 
> types of netCDF options in IDV, I am running version 2.5, but none of them 
> work.  Have you heard of anyone trying to display CEDRIC files in IDV?   The 
> only thing we can think of is to convert our NetCDF into a different format 
> that will be readable to IDV.  Any help would be much appreciated.

Can you send a sample file or put it on a web/ftp site if it's too
big?  That way we can look at the structure and see what needs to
be changed.


Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RJF-252466
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open