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[IDV #PYZ-592357]: dat format problems

Hi Barbara,

> TextAdapter: Cannot find field with name:Time[fmt from 
> line:Time[fmt=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss],Longitude[unit=degrees 
> west],latitude[unit=degree],pressure[unit=hPa]
> I created the attached .csv file based on Example 8 in the VisAD text
> adapter instructions.  I have SLP observations over the region bounded
> 25 degrees N to 50 degreeslatitude N and 55 degrees W to 90 degreees W
> longitude.  I keep getting the above error message so I have obviously
> formatted something wrong.  Should I be saving the data as a .csv in
> excel or should I save it as a CSV in notepad as a .txt file?
> I have read all that I can find on website and in users guide as well
> as search the FAQ.  I am so frustrated I don't know what to try next.
> Can you please help?

I'm sorry for your frustration.  There were 4 problems with the header - 

First, the first line needs to be of the form:
not just:

Second - The names had different cases, e.g., Longitude and longitude.

Third - the time formats needs to have a 'T' in it:

Fourth - the attributes need to be quoted:
Time[fmt="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"],Longitude[unit="degrees 

Attached is your example file with the above changes in it.

not sure if you saw this but there is a write up on the format:

Also, a gui is shown when the IDV cannot read the point data. This is described 
in the above documentation as well.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PYZ-592357
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

Attachment: example2a.csv
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet