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[IDV #NJQ-715086]: Thoughts for Improved and New Functionality for the IDV

Hi Chuck,
> Second, the seismic imaging folks make vertical images that could be
> imported into the IDV. This would require having the ability to
> georeference an image in three-dimensions not just on the surface as is
> currently supported in the IDV. Do you think this is possible?

Since you wrote such a nie "IDV is great" quote I added this facility.

In the ximg format you can now specify all four points of the image
in 3D space with ullat/ullon/ulalt, urlat/urlon/uralt, lllat/llon/llalt, 

We will fill in some default values if they are not fully specified. e.g.:
<image  ullat="30"  ullon="-100" urlat="30" urlon="-90" ulalt="5000" llalt="0"  
name="vertical"  url="test.jpg"/>

In the above we define the altitude (in meters for now) of the upper left of
the image to be 5000. The lower left is 0. Since there isn't any alt defined
for the upper right or lower right they default to 5000 and 0 respectively.

Likewise, since the lower right lat/lon and lower left lat/lon are not defined
they default to the lat lon of the upper right and upper left points.

We'll update the user docs on this before we make the 2.1 release but in the 
this will be in tonights nightly build.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NJQ-715086
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open