Hi Andrew, this is Jeff, not Don. > > Sorry to bother you again, but if you have a chance to answer another > couple of questions I have about IDV then I'd be very grateful. No problem. > > 1) Is there a way of placing 'shared' data sources in the "Saved Data > Sources" tab of Quick Links? I would like to set up data source links > that are placed in the SITEPATH rather than the user's > .metapps/DefaultIDV/datasources/General/ directory. Copying everything > from the user's datasource directory to SITEPATH/datasources/ doesn't > work. The only way I can set up the links is to save a data source as a > QuickLink, copy the .xidv file from > ~/.metapps/DefaultIDV/datasources/General/ and then refer to this .xidv > file in SITEPATH/bundles.xml (and point to bundles.xml in the bundlexml > resource in a RBI file). However, the links then appear in the "Favorite > Bundles" tab rather than "Saved Data Sources", and each link appears > twice under "Favorite Bundles". I would like to be able to place the > .xidv files in the SITEPATH directory (rather than ~/.metapps) so the > links are available to all users in "Saved Data Sources".\ In the bundles xml file you can add a type="data" attribute for the bundle tag: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <bundles> <!-- Note: you can also add a type="data|display|favorite" in the bundle tag --> <bundle type="data" category="Samples" name="Grid Displays" url="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/idv/resources/bundles/samples/grid.xidv"/> </bundles> > > 2) Is there a way of creating map displays with more than four panels? > There are a couple of ways. First you can use the "Multiple Displays" display control. Select the Displays->Special->Multiple Displays menu. This display control acts as a hold of map windows, other displays, etc. You can got to its "Mutli Display->File-New->Map Display" menu to add in a number of map displays. Then, you go to the "Multi Display->Edit->Manage Displays" menu to show the display manager window, which is a tree view. If you right mouse on the "Default Group" field you can show its properties (See attached screen shot) to define row and column layout. You can add other groups to the display to fine tune the layout. The drawback to this is that it is a complex process and this is just an instance of a display. You'd have to save it off in a bundle. What you probably want is to create a new user interface "skin". All of the main windows in the idv are defined as xml skins. We haven't had many end users create new ones but we can help you get what you need. Attached is the skin xml we use for the four pane display. There is some documentation on the general xmlui facility here: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/IDV/docs/developer/XmlUi.html The skin file can then be added to the rbi or, if its name ends in "skin.xml" it can be added as a plugin. Feel free to get back with us if you need help. What type of UI were you thinking of? -Jeff Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: GFM-139212 Department: Support IDV Priority: Normal Status: Closed
Description: JPEG image
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <skin> <!-- See: /auxdata/docs/developer/contents/XmlUi.html --> <properties> <property name="view.size" value="150:150"/> <property name="icon.wait.wait" value="/ucar/unidata/idv/images/wait.gif"/> </properties> <ui> <panel layout="border"> <idv.menubar place="North"/> <panel place="Center" layout="border"> <panel layout="flow" place="North"> <idv.toolbar id="idv.toolbar" place="West"/> <panel id="idv.favoritesbar" place="North"/> </panel> <panel layout="grid" cols="2" place="Center"> <idv.view class="${view_class}" viewid="viewleft%version%" id="viewleft" properties="clickToFocus=true;shareViews=true;showControlLegend=false;size=%view.size%;shareGroup=view%versionuid%;"/> <idv.view class="${view_class}" viewid="viewright%version%" id="viewright" properties="clickToFocus=true;showToolBars=false;shareViews=true;showControlLegend=false;size=%view.size%;shareGroup=view%versionuid%;"/> <idv.view class="${view_class}" viewid="viewleft2%version%" id="viewleft2" properties="clickToFocus=true;shareViews=true;showControlLegend=false;size=%view.size%;shareGroup=view%versionuid%;"/> <idv.view class="${view_class}" viewid="viewright2%version%" id="viewright2" properties="clickToFocus=true;showToolBars=false;shareViews=true;showControlLegend=false;size=%view.size%;shareGroup=view%versionuid%;"/> </panel> </panel> <idv.statusbar place="South" id="bottom_bar"/> </panel> </ui> <styles> <style class="iconbtn" space="2" mouse_enter="ui.setText(idv.messagelabel,prop:tooltip);ui.setBorder(this,etched);" mouse_exit="ui.setText(idv.messagelabel,);ui.setBorder(this,button);"/> <style class="textbtn" space="2" mouse_enter="ui.setText(idv.messagelabel,prop:tooltip)" mouse_exit="ui.setText(idv.messagelabel,)"/> </styles> <components/> </skin>