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[IDV #AFP-898621]: IDV - doing complex RGBs

Hi HansPeter-

> Institution: EUMETSAT
> Package Version: 2.0
> Operating System: os.name:Windows XP; os.arch:x86; os.version:5.1;
> Hardware Information: java.vendor:Sun Microsystems Inc.; 
> java.version:1.5.0_06; java.home:C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.5.0_06; 
> j3d.version:1.3.2 fcs (build12); j3d.vendor:Sun Microsystems, Inc.; 
> j3d.renderer:OpenGL;
> Inquiry: Hi
> I thought to had already looked for support about this subject on 20 July, 
> but cannot find neither a trace in my emails nor did I ever get an answer 
> from the support team. So I have to assume that I never did it finally. 
> Anyway here my problem.

Sorry I have let this linger so long. Time flies when you are trying
to put together a release. ;-).  It is still in the IDV support box,
but I've been waiting to come up for air to answer.

> I can do the so-called "natural colour" RGB by choosing the relevant MSG 
> channels and
> applying them to the built-in formula. At EUMETSAT we have somewhat more 
> complex RGB
> schemes which I implemented in McIDAS and would now like to migrate to IDV. 
> In the following
> I copy the pertinent McBASI lines for one type of these RGBs. Any clue how to 
> do that? I assume
> I would have to dig into scripting (which I would not despise). Might be that 
> would be a topic for the
> IDV session in autumn?
> keyin "IMGREMAP ";a$;" A.4 ";n$;" BAN=4"
> keyin "IMGREMAP ";a$;" A.5 ";n$;" BAN=5"
> keyin "IMGREMAP ";a$;" A.6 ";n$;" BAN=6"
> keyin "IMGREMAP ";a$;" A.8 ";n$;" BAN=8"
> keyin "IMGREMAP ";a$;" A.9 ";n$;" BAN=9"
> keyin "IMGOPER A.5 A.6 A.21 SIZE=ALL UNIT=TEMP SIGN=P M SCALE=-25 0 0 255"
> keyin "IMGOPER A.8 A.9 A.22 SIZE=ALL UNIT=TEMP SIGN=P M SCALE=-40 5 0 255"
> keyin "IMGOPER A.5 A.23 SIZE=ALL UNIT=TEMP SCALE=208 243 255 0"
> keyin "IMGDISP A.21 1"
> keyin "IMGDISP A.22 2"
> keyin "IMGDISP A.23 3"
> keyin "COMBINE 0 1 2 3 VIEW=NO"
> where a$ is the name of the dataset and n$ contains some remapping paramters.
> Obviously IMGOPER is the relevant command to be emulated in IDV.

The easiest way to do this would be through a Jython procedure.  I'm
cc'ing Tom Whittaker at SSEC who is the Jython guru and has offered
to help answer this one.  I'll chime in also if need be.

Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AFP-898621
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open