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20051224: Request for help

Hi Raul,

Dear Don

I hope you are doing well.
Don is doing very well on vacation in Florida now.

I have problems with the new version of IDV(Version: 1.3b1 ). Since
Thursday afternoon it has not been possible to work with my Jython
script in IDV. When I try to save  my work I receive  an error message
and therefore my line statement is not recognised, even the old
formulas which were possible to run in the old version of IDV are not

When I try to save or run the formula, I get an error (Error 1) .  When
I comment the line( 1333) which is giving me the Error 1 I receive
another error message (Error 2)  for the second line(1334) and this
happens for every other line continuously. Please see the example of my
problem below.  _______________________ Error 1 Traceback (innermost

Could you send me your jython library file. I pasted your text you sent in and did not get an

The local jython is in ~/.metapps/DefaultIdv/default.py
(On windows ~ is in Documents_and_Settings/<username>)
