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20051117: IDV - A3 CONUS mosiac of 1990 MRLC data access

>From: "Steve Aulenbach" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NCAR
>Keywords: 200511171931.jAHJV7h7020592  WMS server errors

Hi Steve-

>Institution: NCAR
>Package Version: 1.3a3
>Operating System: os.name:Mac OS X; os.arch:ppc; os.version:10.3.9;
>Hardware Information: java.vendor:Apple Computer, Inc.; java.version:1.4.2_09;
>  java.home:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Home; j
> 3d.version:1.3.1; j3d.vendor:Apple Computer, Inc.; j3d.renderer:OpenGL;
>Inquiry: An error has occurred:
>There was an error accessing the image with the url:
> mage/jpeg&SRS=EPSG:4326&Layers=us_landsat_wgs84&BBOX=-66.0,33.0,-66.0,47.0&wi
> dth=802&height=2000
>Not an image
>I'm not sure why this is happening today. Strong possibility it is on their se
> rver. Have been able to do this previously but not with this sequence of disp
> ays. Shall try to reproduce the problem after shutting down and flushing Web 
> Start.

The problem is that an error is being returned from their server, but
we weren't catching it before trying to make an image out of it.
We put in a fix and it will be in the 1.3b1 release.  This is the same 
issue as your other reports.

>Stack trace:
>java.io.IOException: Not an image
>       at visad.util.DataUtility.makeField(DataUtility.java:175)
>       at ucar.unidata.data.gis.WmsDataSource.getDataInner(WmsDataSource.java:
> 327)
>       at ucar.unidata.data.DataSourceImpl.getData(DataSourceImpl.java:1285)
>       at ucar.unidata.data.DirectDataChoice.getData(DirectDataChoice.java:316
> )
>       at ucar.unidata.data.DataChoice.getData(DataChoice.java:526)
>       at ucar.unidata.idv.control.WMSControl.readImageData(WMSControl.java:83
> 7)
>       at ucar.unidata.idv.control.WMSControl.loadImage(WMSControl.java:783)
>       at ucar.unidata.idv.control.WMSControl.access$200(WMSControl.java:106)
>       at ucar.unidata.idv.control.WMSControl$2.run(WMSControl.java:765)
>       at ucar.unidata.util.Misc$2.run(Misc.java:778)

Don Murray
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