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20050817: IDV Model data access

>From:  Selvin Burton <address@hidden>
>Organization:  CIMH
>Keywords:  200508171958.j7HJw1jo020440 IDV netCDF grid file access

Hi Selvin,

>I have just returned to work after 5 weeks of vacation, refreshed to start 
>the new semester at the University in 2 weeks.

I envy your 5 weeks of vacation!

>I attempted to view the model data using IDV today and ran into some 
>problems.  I am getting the following error: "An error as 
>occurred:  creating 
>ui:/usr/local/ldm/data/decoded/netcdf/GRIB/20050817_ecmwf_1-2.nc". I am 
>sure that I did view some of these files before I went on vacation.
>This is the procedure I used:
>- Open 'Data Source Selector'
>- Select 'Catalogs'
>- Select 'File'  (To right of window with url "http: .....")
>- Select file from open window
>- Click 'Open'
>Error occurs.
>Is this the correct procedure for loading files form disk or is there some 
>other problem?

the procedure I recommend is:

- start IDV
- under the 'File' or 'Data' dropdowns, select 'New Data Source'
- under 'New Data Source', select 'From the File System'

From there, navigate to a directory that has the file you want to look at; 
the file, and click the 'Add Source' button.  Then, if it is not already 
Click on the 'Data' dropdown and select 'Show Data Selector'.  From there choose
the field and type of display you want and then click on the 'Create Display'

By the way, we need to get your IDV installation updated to the latest release,
v1.2.  This was released very recently, and it is most likely that you do
not have this version.  You can grab the new version by:

<as user 'idv'>

- registering as a Unidata user (if you havn't already) (create account on
  Unidata HomePage, http://www.unidata.ucar.edu)

- login to your account

- go to Downloads

- go to IDV

- download v1.2


* Tom Yoksas                                             UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                  P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                             http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*