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20050718: IDV - Dell Latitude C810 512MB ( 100MB+100MB hardrive ) 1.35GHz Pentium III, Wprof2000 SP4,

>From: "Philipp D. Svitek" <address@hidden>
>Organization: ?
>Keywords: 200507181832.j6IIWRbJ019833 IDV


>Institution: K12
>Package Version: 1.1
>Operating System: os.name:Windows 2000; os.arch:x86; os.version:5.0;
>Hardware Information: java.vendor:Sun Microsystems Inc.; java.version:1.4.2_01
> ; java.home:C:\\Program Files\\IDV_1.1\\jre;
>Inquiry: An error has occurred:
>ControlDescriptor.Creating display
>My display is 1600X1200 and sometimes it is not dispaying the picture of a map
> , when I make it maximum
>display, so my picture is with the good resolution.

You might try the 1.2b2 version or the D3D version.  When you say it 
is not displaying the picture, is it displaying a grey screen where 
the display should be?

>Stack trace:
>Traceback (innermost last):
>  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
>  File "/ucar/unidata/idv/resources/default.py", line 74, in extractLatitudeFr
> omNWPGrid
>AttributeError: class 'ucar.unidata.data.grid.DerivedGridFactory' has no attri
> bute 'getLatitudeGrid'

I"m not sure why you are getting this error.

Don Murray
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