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20050303: IDV program (cont.)

I followed your instructions and it seems to work. And yes, I would like
to visualize the results of this processing. Tried various options but
couldn't get it to display properly. Could you tell us how the outputs
of the routine (new image data set?) can be displayed?

The following shows the modifications to the original processImage routine. The idea is to clone the incoming data object and then set its range values with the setSample call.


def processImage (d):
 domain = d.getDomainSet()
 cs = domain.getCoordinateSystem()
 len =  domain.getLength()
#Note: we want a copy of the range values so we don't pass in 0 (false) here
 rangeValues = d.getFloats()
#Pass in 0 as false so we don't copy the values
 samples = domain.getSamples(0)
#Get the latlon points of the spatial domain
 latlon = cs.toReference(samples)
#Clone the incoming data object
 newd = d.clone()
 for i in xrange(len):
   value = rangeValues[0][i]
   #Just for kicks multiply the range values by 2
   rangeValues[0][i] = value*2
   lat = latlon[0][i]
   lon = latlon[1][i]
#Set the new range values
#return the new data object
 return newd