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20041207: IDV - Extracting numbers

>From: "Karen A. Kosiba" <address@hidden>
>Organization: Purdue University
>Keywords: 200412071442.iB7EgklI016347 IDV Jython output

Hi Karen-

>Thank you for your response!  Sorry my email was so nebulous.  

No problem, just wanted to know where you were in the process.
Looks like you've already done the hard part. ;-)

>I have created 
>a Marshall-Palmer relationship in the Jython library and can display the 
>rainfall rate (in the display window).  But, I would like to have a printout 
>of 3 columns: lat, lon, and rainfall rate (or something similiar) to compare 
>with rain gauge data.  This is where I am stuck...I cannot figure out how to 
>print out these numbers (create a number output file that includes lat/lon 

I don't have anything that gives 3 columns per se, but here's a Jython
script that I put together for someone else on how to print out the
reflectivity values from a Level II file.  It seems like you understand
Jython, so you could take this and adapt it as needed.

import sys;
def printField(a,filename="foo"):
  from visad import RealTupleType as rt
  from visad.util import DataUtility as du
  from ucar.visad.Util import *
  # open a file for writing
  file = open(filename,"w")
  mydu = du()
  # data has format like:
  #   (Time -> ((Range, Azimuth, Elevation_Angle) -> Reflectivity))
  # get the outer time domain
  tdom = a.getDomainSet()
  l = tdom.getLength()
  # iterate over time domain
  for j in range(0,l):
    # write out the timestamp
    file.write(str(mydu.getSample(tdom, j))+"\n")
    #get first sweep
    b = a[j]
    # print out the datatype
    # dom will be (Range, Azimuth, Elevation_Angle)
    dom = b.getDomainSet()
    # convert to lat/lon/alt.  This does not account for
    # refraction
    lldom = convertDomain(dom, rt.LatitudeLongitudeAltitude,None)
    c = dom.getLength()
    # now loop over each point
    n = 0
    line = ""
    for i in range(0,c):
        # point in (Range, Azimuth, Elevation_Angle) space
        point = mydu.getSample(dom, i)
        # point in (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) space
        llpoint = mydu.getSample(lldom,i)
        # value for data
        value = b[i].getValue()
        # format output
        if n < 10:
           line = line+str(point)+" "+str(llpoint)+" = "+str(value)+"\n"
           n = n + 1
          # write it out to the file
          n = 0
  return a

If you have questions about the above, let me know.

Don Murray
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