I have set the environmental variable http_proxy (such as to http://proxy.xxxx:8080/, which works with lynx etc), but IDV did not recognize it. Requests to 80 and 8080 ports from my IDV session were blocked by firewall.This must be a FAQ, but I could not find it in the IDV web site.Also, I could not send a support message from the support request form of IDV due to an error, but this is trivial to me. (Sorry I did not save the message.)
Hi Takeshi,You can specify the proxy server/port to use from the command lin with a java system property:
java -Dhttp.proxyHost=your.proxy.host -Dhttp.proxyPort=proxy_port_number -Xmx512m ucar.unidata.idv.DefaultIdv
If you are running from an InstallAnywhere just change the runIDV or runIDV.bat script, adding the above arguments.
If you are running from Webstart then this will not work.Not having a proxy server to use I have not been able to test this thoroughly. I do know that ADDE requests
will *not* work with this solution, just http requests. -Jeff McWhirter