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- Subject: Re: URL
- Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 16:06:24 -0600
The new web site equivalent is
also your link to the IDV User's Guide should now be
the main IDV web page is now
We changed the data access and display choice ui. So your wording
"Open the newly added grid.
Double click on the parameter to bring
up a menu of time steps.
(Many CDC data sets have thousands of
time steps and are too large to load all
at once.)
Click the select Select times button and
choose the times you want to load.
Click the Apply or OK button."
should be replaced with
"The data source appears in the IDV's Data Selector window. Right-click
on the data source name; click on Select Times in the pop-up menu that
appears, and in it click off the chackbox Use all. Then select a range
of times to display with the vertical slider bar and Shift-clicks on the
end times of the range. (Many CDC data sets have thousands of time
steps and are too large to load all at once.) After you select the
time, choose the field and display type you want by clicking on them.
Then click the Create Display button."
These will be permanent, until someone gets another bright idea.
The first official non-beta release of the IDV should be in June. It has
some new features (better plots of global data in your case) and a lot
of loose ends cleaned up. A really big change is that documentation has
been added to much of the source code.
If you know of anyone who is a big user of your data in the IDV, now or
in future, we would like to hear from them about how it works for them.
This is a user-driven project and anyone who uses your data certainly
counts as an IDV user we want to help.
Thanks again for including the IDV on your site.
> Stu,
> I was just reviewing our description of IDV on the CDC website at:
> http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/PublicData/tools.html.
> It includes this link:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/metapps/idv_help/IDV_starting.html
> but it currently returns:
> Not Found
> The requested URL /projects/metapps/idv_help/IDV_starting.html was not
> found on this server.
> What document should I link to?
> Thanks,
> Roland
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