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[no subject]
- Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 09:06:04 -0600
>From: John McCormick <mccormik@localhost.localdomain>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200305052252.h45MqV7U020721
First, your reply e-mail address has been coming out as:
so it's been a pain to reply to your messages. If you could
track down why this is happening, i'd appreciate it.
>Okay.. Don... I just downloaded the "ant (version=3D1.5)" and ran the=20
>"ant javadoc" command and I've attached a log for you to look at...
>Ummm .. (thinking)... I still get the one error and you were mentioning=20
>that you were able to get a "clean" run...That's what's puzzling me ...
>Oh well.........let's see...... I'll tell you what, Don ...If you might b=
>able to get another "clean run" and capture the log and send it to me,
>it just might help me (by comparing the 2 logs) "zero in" on the problem
>I'm having with this run.... I would've thought that there was hope in=20
>running the ant-version-1.5... I'm not seeing too much difference here...
>That's wierd...isn't it...... =20
When I said clean, I meant that I got a "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message.
I still get a lot of warnings. I regularly use 1.4 and don't get
so many warnings, but when I tested with 1.5, I got the same output
you did.
>I'm going to "wrap things up" here, Don....It's going on 7:00pm here and=20
>if you've got some suggestions, please "toss them" over this way as I'd=20
>sure appreciate it.... thanks, Don,=20
Since you got the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message, then all the javadocs were
built as best they could. I'll look into what happens with 1.5.3 when
I get a chance. Since you have the javadocs in metapps_doc.jar, you
could use that or what gets built with 1.5.
One more note. Anything in the /pub/metapps/untested directory is
not supported nor guaranteed to even build. Beta6 was released
last Wednesday, so you should get that from the /pub/metapps directory
from now on if you need it again.
Thanks for reporting this problem.
>Home Information:
>John W. McCormick
>8113 Brently Drive
>Apex, NC 27502
>Home: 919-662-5772
>Home Email: address@hidden
>Cell : 919-801-6210
>Pers. Web Page: www.ipass.net/~jmccormi
>Content-Type: text/x-log;
> charset="iso-8859-1";
> name="20030505ant_javadoc_c.log"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="20030505ant_javadoc_c.log"
>Buildfile: build.xml
> [javadoc] Generating Javadoc
> [javadoc] Javadoc execution
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.ma2...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.multiarray...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.nc2...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.nc2.dods...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.netcdf...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.beans...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.data...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.data.grid...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.data.imagery...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.data.point...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.data.profiler...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.data.radar...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.data.sounding...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.data.text...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.geoloc...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.gis...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.gis.mcidasmap...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.gis.shapefile...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.gis.worldmap...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.grid...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.grid.netcdf...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.grid.xml...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.idv...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.idv.chooser...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.idv.control...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.idv.publish...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.idv.test...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.io...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.metdata...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.text...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.ui...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.ui.drawing...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.ui.event...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.ui.imagery...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.ui.point...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.ui.profiler...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.ui.symbol...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.util...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.view...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.view.geoloc...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.view.profilers...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.view.sounding...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.view.station...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.unidata.xml...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.units...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.visad...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.visad.display...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.visad.functiontypes...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.visad.physics...
> [javadoc] Loading source files for package ucar.visad.quantities...
> [javadoc] Constructing Javadoc information...
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/gis/worldmap/WorldMap.java:29:
> cannot resolve symbol
> [javadoc] symbol : class LatLonProjection
> [javadoc] location: package geoloc
> [javadoc] import ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonProjection;
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticT
> rajectoryTest.java:29: package junit.framework does not exist
> [javadoc] import junit.framework.*;
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticT
> rajectoryTest.java:31: package junit.textui does not exist
> [javadoc] import junit.textui.TestRunner;
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticT
> rajectoryTest.java:43: cannot resolve symbol
> [javadoc] symbol : class TestCase
> [javadoc] location: class ucar.unidata.view.sounding.PseudoAdiabaticTrajecto
> ryTest
> [javadoc] public class PseudoAdiabaticTrajectoryTest extends TestCase {
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticT
> rajectoryTest.java:82: cannot resolve symbol
> [javadoc] symbol : class Test
> [javadoc] location: class ucar.unidata.view.sounding.PseudoAdiabaticTrajecto
> ryTest
> [javadoc] public static Test suite() {
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/SkewTCoordinateS
> ystemTest.java:29: package junit.framework does not exist
> [javadoc] import junit.framework.*;
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/SkewTCoordinateS
> ystemTest.java:31: package junit.textui does not exist
> [javadoc] import junit.textui.TestRunner;
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/SkewTCoordinateS
> ystemTest.java:41: cannot resolve symbol
> [javadoc] symbol : class TestCase
> [javadoc] location: class ucar.unidata.view.sounding.SkewTCoordinateSystemTe
> st
> [javadoc] public class SkewTCoordinateSystemTest extends TestCase {
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/SkewTCoordinateS
> ystemTest.java:185: cannot resolve symbol
> [javadoc] symbol : class Test
> [javadoc] location: class ucar.unidata.view.sounding.SkewTCoordinateSystemTe
> st
> [javadoc] public static Test suite() {
> [javadoc] ^
> [javadoc] Standard Doclet version 1.4.1
> [javadoc] Building tree for all the packages and classes...
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/Array.java:142: warning - The firs
> t sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/class-use/Array.htm
> l...
> [javadoc] "Create a new Array using same backing store as this Array, by
> [javadoc] fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what will be interpreted as the fi
> rst sentence in the
> [javadoc] next major release (when that interpretation will be international
> ized), which is:
> [javadoc] "Create a new Array using same backing store as this Array, by
> [javadoc] fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value. redu
> ces rank by 1."
> [javadoc] To avoid this note, change the doc comment to make this a proper f
> irst sentence, then
> [javadoc] use -breakiterator from that point forward, which will output this
> new sentence.
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/nc2/class-use/NetcdfFil
> e.html...
> [javadoc] "ncdump, parsing command string, file already open
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:118: warning - The fir
> st sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] usage:
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "ncdump, parsing command string, file already open
> [javadoc] usage:
> [javadoc] <pre>[-ncml] [-c | -vall] [-v varName,...]"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/package.html: Body tag mi
> ssing from HTML
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DescriptorDataSource.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DerivedDataDescriptor.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataChoice.java:16
> 7: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DerivedDataChoice.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/RaobDataSource.j
> ava:66: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: DataSource
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/RaobDataSource.j
> ava:66: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: DataSource
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DataSource.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:73: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/RaobDataSource.j
> ava:66: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: DataSource
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DataSelection.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DataManager.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DataContext.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataChoice.java:16
> 7: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DataChoice.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DataChangeListener.html...
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GridDisplayControl
> .java:71: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl. for gridded dat
> a."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/class-use/
> DataCategory.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: InSituAirTemperatureProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPointProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:130: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:130: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: AirTemperature
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPoint
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: Pressure
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: Temperature
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPoint
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: PolarHorizontalWind
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: LatLonAlt
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/point/PointObFactory.java
> :48: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/point/clas
> s-use/PointOb.html...
> [javadoc] "Returns a point observation as a FieldImpl of type:
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Returns a point observation as a FieldImpl of type:
> [javadoc] <pre>
> [javadoc] (Time -> ((lat, lon, alt) -> (data)))"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/geoloc/class-us
> e/ProjectionRect.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/cla
> ss-use/ParseStrategy.html...
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/GDVConvention.java
> :34: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ZebraConvention.ja
> va:35: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/cla
> ss-use/GDVConvention.html...
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ZebraConvention.ja
> va:35: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/cla
> ss-use/CSM1Convention.html...
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/GDVConvention.java
> :34: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ZebraConvention.ja
> va:35: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/cla
> ss-use/COARDSConvention.html...
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/GDVConvention.java
> :34: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ZebraConvention.ja
> va:35: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/V
> iewManager.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/V
> iewDescriptor.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/V
> iewContext.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GridDisplayControl
> .java:71: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl. for gridded dat
> a."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/V
> erticalXSDisplay.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/P
> aramInfo.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/I
> ntegratedDataViewer.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/I
> ntegratedDataViewer.PersistentContent.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/I
> dvWindow.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/I
> dvResourceManager.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/I
> dvPreferenceDialog.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/I
> dvObjectStore.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/I
> dvContext.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GridDisplayControl
> .java:71: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl. for gridded dat
> a."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> isplayInfo.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> isplayConventions.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> isplayControl.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GridDisplayControl
> .java:71: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl. for gridded dat
> a."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> ataTreeNode.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> ataTreeIdv.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> ataTree.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> ataSourceHolder.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> ataSelector.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/D
> ataControlDialog.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/C
> ontrolDescriptor.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/class-use/C
> ontrolContext.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/chooser/cla
> ss-use/IdvChooserManager.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GridDisplayControl
> .java:71: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/control/cla
> ss-use/DisplayControlImpl.html...
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl. for gridded dat
> a."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/publish/cla
> ss-use/IdvPublisher.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/metdata/class-u
> se/NamedStationTable.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/ui/class-use/Xm
> lUi.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/ui/class-use/Ma
> pWidget.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/ui/class-use/In
> dependentWindow.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/class-use/
> ResourceCollection.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/class-use/
> Range.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/class-use/
> PersistentStore.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/class-use/
> PatternFileFilter.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/class-use/
> LogUtil.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/class-use/
> GuiUtils.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/class-use/
> ContourInfo.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/class-use/
> ColorTable.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/view/geoloc/cla
> ss-use/NavigatedDisplay.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] Internal error: package sets don't match: [] with: null
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/ParcelMode.java:
> 75: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/c
> lass-use/ParcelMode.html...
> [javadoc] "Compute a path for a lifted parcel whose initial conditions are b
> ased on
> [javadoc] the pressure, potential-temperature, and mixing-ratio of the soun
> ding
> [javadoc] at maximum pressure (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Compute a path for a lifted parcel whose initial conditions are b
> ased on
> [javadoc] the pressure, potential-temperature, and mixing-ratio of the soun
> ding
> [javadoc] at maximum pressure (i.e. the bottom of the sounding)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/DomainExtractorC
> ell.java:53: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Set
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/xml/class-use/X
> mlUtil.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/xml/class-use/X
> mlResourceCollection.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:215: warni
> ng - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 1377: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/xml/class-use/X
> mlPersistable.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/RaobDataSource.j
> ava:66: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: DataSource
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/UTMCoordinateSystem.java:54: war
> ning - Tag @see:illegal character: ":" in "http://www.ai.sri.com/geotransform
> /"
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/xml/class-use/X
> mlObjectStore.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/xml/class-use/X
> mlEncoder.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/UTMCoordinateSystem.java:396: wa
> rning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Do nothing, return true to tell the encoder that it is ok to proc
> ess
> [javadoc] any methods or properties."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Do nothing, return true to tell the encoder that it is ok to proc
> ess
> [javadoc] any methods or properties. needed for XmlPersistable"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/xml/class-use/P
> referenceManager.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OffsetUnit.java:30: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/units/class-use/UnitImp
> l.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g. as
> [javadoc] the unit "degree Celsius" is offset from the reference unit "kelv
> in").
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OperationException.java:28: warn
> ing - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/units/class-use/UnitExc
> eption.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for unit operation failures (e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for unit operation failures (e.g. multiplication
> )."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OffsetUnit.java:30: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/units/class-use/Unit.ht
> ml...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g. as
> [javadoc] the unit "degree Celsius" is offset from the reference unit "kelv
> in").
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OffsetUnit.java:30: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/units/class-use/Derivab
> leUnit.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g. as
> [javadoc] the unit "degree Celsius" is offset from the reference unit "kelv
> in").
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/units/class-use/Base.ht
> ml...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for abstract base quantities (e.g."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/BaseQuantity.java:31: warning -
> The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for abstract base quantities (e.g. length, time)
> ."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/physics/Density.java:41: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/class-use/ScalarQ
> uantity.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for the quantity of density (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for the quantity of density (i.e. mass/volume)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/physics/Density.java:41: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/class-use/Quantit
> y.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for the quantity of density (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for the quantity of density (i.e. mass/volume)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /XYDisplay.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/RingSet.java:45: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /PolarLineDrawing.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e. a
> [javadoc] "bullseye")."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/MeanWindTrace.ja
> va:45: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /LineDrawing.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/RingSet.java:45: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e. a
> point).
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e. a
> [javadoc] "bullseye")."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/MeanWindTrace.ja
> va:45: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /DisplayableData.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/RingSet.java:45: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e. a
> point).
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e. a
> [javadoc] "bullseye")."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /Displayable.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/MeanWindTrace.ja
> va:45: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticD
> isplayable.java:50: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Displayable
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/RingSet.java:45: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e. a
> point).
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e. a
> [javadoc] "bullseye")."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /DisplayMaster.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/AerologicalDispl
> ay.java:61: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Provides a 2-D VisAD display for an aerological (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides a 2-D VisAD display for an aerological (i.e. meteorologi
> cal
> [javadoc] thermodynamic) diagram."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticD
> isplayable.java:50: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Displayable
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /AnimationWidget.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /AnimationInfo.html...
> [javadoc] "Show the animation properties dialog box, setting the scroll bar
> values
> [javadoc] to values in the provided AnimationInfo "transfer."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/AnimationPropertiesDialo
> g.java:256: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Wait for final results, and then put back in "transfer"."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Show the animation properties dialog box, setting the scroll bar
> values
> [javadoc] to values in the provided AnimationInfo "transfer."
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/class-use
> /Animation.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/package-us
> e.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:65: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:65: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/geoloc/package-
> use.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/pac
> kage-use.html...
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/GDVConvention.java
> :34: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ParseStrategy.java
> :767: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "See if this dimension has an aliased coordinate variable:
> [javadoc] A global attribute of that dimension name, whose value is the na
> me of a coord var, eg:
[javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "See if this dimension has an aliased coordinate variable:
> [javadoc] A global attribute of that dimension name, whose value is the na
> me of a coord var, eg:
> [javadoc] <pre>
> [javadoc] :dimName = alias;
> [javadoc] Variable alias(alias);
> [javadoc] </pre>"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/package-use
> .html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/chooser/pac
> kage-use.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GridDisplayControl
> .java:71: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/control/pac
> kage-use.html...
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl. for gridded dat
> a."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/publish/pac
> kage-use.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/metdata/package
> -use.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/metdata/StationTable.java:39:
> warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Abstraction for (read-only) table of (Fixed) Stations
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Abstraction for (read-only) table of (Fixed) Stations
> [javadoc] <p>
> [javadoc] This is a map by Identifier.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/ui/package-use.
> html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/IndependentWindow.java:47:
> warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/ScaledPanel.java:225: warni
> ng - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Provides common L&F for managing independent windows
> [javadoc] Will reset L&F
> [javadoc] example: "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides common L&F for managing independent windows
> [javadoc] Will reset L&F
> [javadoc] example: <pre>
> [javadoc] infoWindow = new IndependentWindow("Dataset Information");
> [javadoc] datasetInfoTA = new TextHistoryPane(500, 100, true);
> [javadoc] Container cp = infoWindow.getContentPane();
> [javadoc] cp.add(datasetInfoTA, BorderLayout.CENTER);
> [javadoc] infoWindow.pack();
> [javadoc] infoWindow.setSize(700,700);
> [javadoc] infoWindow.setLocation(100,100);
> [javadoc] </pre>"
> [javadoc] "Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
> [javadoc] Because I needed some precise semantics, especially for the y scr
> een coordinate."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/util/package-us
> e.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/view/geoloc/pac
> kage-use.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/p
> ackage-use.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides a 2-D VisAD display for an aerological (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/AerologicalDispl
> ay.java:61: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/MeanWindTrace.ja
> va:45: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides a 2-D VisAD display for an aerological (i.e. meteorologi
> cal
> [javadoc] thermodynamic) diagram."
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e. a
> point).
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/xml/package-use
> .html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/units/package-use.html.
> ..
> [javadoc] "Provides support for abstract base quantities (e.g."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/BaseQuantity.java:31: warning -
> The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OperationException.java:28: warn
> ing - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for abstract base quantities (e.g. length, time)
> ."
> [javadoc] "Provides support for unit operation failures (e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for unit operation failures (e.g. multiplication
> )."
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/package-use.html.
> ..
> [javadoc] "Provides support for quantities (e.g."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/Quantity.java:45: warning - The
> first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for quantities (e.g. temperature, wind). "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/Quantity.java:45: warning - The
> first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for quantities (e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for quantities (e.g. temperature, wind). "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/package-u
> se.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/RingSet.java:45: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e. a
> [javadoc] "bullseye")."
> [javadoc] Building index for all the packages and classes...
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMaster.java:1140:
> warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Display
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/index-all.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides a 2-D VisAD display for an aerological (i.e."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/AerologicalDispl
> ay.java:61: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides a 2-D VisAD display for an aerological (i.e. meteorologi
> cal
> [javadoc] thermodynamic) diagram."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/BaseQuantity.java:31: warning -
> The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for abstract base quantities (e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/ParcelMode.java:
> 75: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for abstract base quantities (e.g. length, time)
> ."
> [javadoc] "Compute a path for a lifted parcel whose initial conditions are b
> ased on
> [javadoc] the pressure, potential-temperature, and mixing-ratio of the soun
> ding
> [javadoc] at maximum pressure (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Compute a path for a lifted parcel whose initial conditions are b
> ased on
> [javadoc] the pressure, potential-temperature, and mixing-ratio of the soun
> ding
> [javadoc] at maximum pressure (i.e. the bottom of the sounding)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:893: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/physics/Density.java:41: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for the quantity of density (i.e."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataChoice.java:16
> 7: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:65: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "Provides support for the quantity of density (i.e. mass/volume)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/DomainExtractorC
> ell.java:53: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Set
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:77:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/grid/GeoGridDataSource.ja
> va:269: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "Create the main button panel (e.g., visbility checkbox, Clear but
> ton, etc.)
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1412: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This method also calls doMakeSubButtonPanel to allow sub-cl
> asses
> [javadoc] to include their own components in this panel."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Create the main button panel (e.g., visbility checkbox, Clear but
> ton, etc.)
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:294:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMaster.java:1444:
> warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "<p>Ensures that this instance is inactive (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<p>Ensures that this instance is inactive (i.e. that it will not
> [javadoc] automatically rebuild the display when appropriate)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/GDVConvention.java
> :34: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/geoloc/ProjectionImpl.java:128
> : warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Get the parameters as a list of ucar.nc2.Attribute name/values."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Level2Record.java:5
> 02: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Get the parameters as a list of ucar.nc2.Attribute name/values. v
> alues are strings."
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns a bin data element from the
> *
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Level2Record.java:4
> 76: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] specified read level II record."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Level2Record.java:4
> 51: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns a bin data element from the
> *
> [javadoc] specified read level II record"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Level2Record.java:5
> 45: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns the number of bins defined for
> *
> [javadoc] the specified moment in a read level II record."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns the number of bins defined for
> *
> [javadoc] the specified moment in a read level II record"
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns the radial bin size (meters) for
> *
> [javadoc] the specified moment in a read level II record."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns the radial bin size (meters) for
> *
> [javadoc] the specified moment in a read level II record"
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns a bin data value from the specif
> ied*
> [javadoc] read level II record."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns a bin data value from the specif
> ied*
> [javadoc] read level II record"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:51: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/UTMCoordinateSystem.java:375: wa
> rning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] ""Get a bounding box in this coordinate system."
> [javadoc] Return an x-y rectangle that covers most of a UTM zone, in meter
> s."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] ""Get a bounding box in this coordinate system."
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMaster.java:859:
> warning - Tag @see: can't find getAspect() in visad.ProjectionControl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/PlanViewControl.ja
> va:338: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Return active level value in ? units."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Return active level value in ? "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayAbstract.java:233: warning -
> The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/multiarray/MultiArrayImpl.java:506: wa
> rning - Tag @see: can't find getStorage in ucar.multiarray.Accessor
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] "Obtains the RealType of the derivative w.r.t."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/quantities/SaturationVaporPressu
> re.java:172: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Obtains the RealType of the derivative w.r.t. temperature."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: AirTemperature
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl. for gridded dat
> a."
> [javadoc] "This method checks if the given action is one of:"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPoint
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "This method checks if the given action is one of:<p>
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GridDisplayControl
> .java:71: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] <li> Jython code -- starts with jython:<br>
> [javadoc] <li> Help link -- starts with help:<br>
> [javadoc] <li> Resource bundle file -- ends with .rbi<br>
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 2955: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] <li> bundle file -- ends with .xidv<br>
> [javadoc] <li> jnlp file -- ends with .jnlp<br>
> [javadoc] It returns true if the action is one of these.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 197: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "When we persist off the application state the actual object
> [javadoc] that is persisted is a Hashtable that holds the list of Dat
> aSource-s,
> [javadoc] ViewManager-s, DisplayControl-s and a Hashtable of misc."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "When we persist off the application state the actual object
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/IndependentWindow.java:47:
> warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] that is persisted is a Hashtable that holds the list of Dat
> aSource-s,
> [javadoc] ViewManager-s, DisplayControl-s and a Hashtable of misc. pr
> operties.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "Provides common L&F for managing independent windows
> [javadoc] Will reset L&F
> [javadoc] example: "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides common L&F for managing independent windows
> [javadoc] Will reset L&F
> [javadoc] example: <pre>
> [javadoc] infoWindow = new IndependentWindow("Dataset Information");
> [javadoc] datasetInfoTA = new TextHistoryPane(500, 100, true);
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:215: warni
> ng - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] Container cp = infoWindow.getContentPane();
> [javadoc] cp.add(datasetInfoTA, BorderLayout.CENTER);
> [javadoc] infoWindow.pack();
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 1377: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] infoWindow.setSize(700,700);
> [javadoc] infoWindow.setLocation(100,100);
> [javadoc] </pre>"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/UTMCoordinateSystem.java:396: wa
> rning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Do nothing, return true to tell the encoder that it is ok to proc
> ess
> [javadoc] any methods or properties."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Do nothing, return true to tell the encoder that it is ok to proc
> ess
> [javadoc] any methods or properties. needed for XmlPersistable"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/IntegrateCell.ja
> va:62: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: FlatField
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:73: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/MapFamily.java:178: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Test the MapFamily class
> [javadoc] run java ucar.visad.MapFamily map1 map2 ..."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Test the MapFamily class
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/point/PointObFactory.java
> :48: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] run java ucar.visad.MapFamily map1 map2 ... mapn"
> [javadoc] "Returns a point observation as a FieldImpl of type:
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Returns a point observation as a FieldImpl of type:
> [javadoc] <pre>
> [javadoc] (Time -> ((lat, lon, alt) -> (data)))"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/MeanWindTrace.ja
> va:45: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e. a
> point).
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:398:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OffsetUnit.java:30: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OperationException.java:28: warn
> ing - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g. as
> [javadoc] the unit "degree Celsius" is offset from the reference unit "kelv
> in").
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "Provides support for unit operation failures (e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ParseStrategy.java
> :767: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for unit operation failures (e.g. multiplication
> )."
> [javadoc] "See if this dimension has an aliased coordinate variable:
> [javadoc] A global attribute of that dimension name, whose value is the na
> me of a coord var, eg:
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "See if this dimension has an aliased coordinate variable:
> [javadoc] A global attribute of that dimension name, whose value is the na
> me of a coord var, eg:
> [javadoc] <pre>
> [javadoc] :dimName = alias;
> [javadoc] Variable alias(alias);
> [javadoc] </pre>"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:118: warning - The fir
> st sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "ncdump, parsing command string, file already open
> [javadoc] usage:
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "ncdump, parsing command string, file already open
> [javadoc] usage:
> [javadoc] <pre>[-ncml] [-c | -vall] [-v varName,...]"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:130: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] "Constructs the default instance."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:130: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] "Constructs the default instance. no data."
> [javadoc] "Constructs from a profiler data Field obtained from
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/profilers/ProfilerSingleS
> tationDisplay.java:83: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] PointDataAdapter pda = new PointDataAdapter(request) where
> [javadoc] request is of the form
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/profilers/ProfilerSingleS
> tationDisplay.java:96: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "adde://adde.ucar.edu/pointdata?group=rtptsrc&descr=profhourly&pa
> ram=time z dir spd day&select='ida pltc'&num=all&compress=true" ids being the
> station id"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticD
> isplayable.java:50: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Displayable
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Constructs from a profiler data Field obtained from
> [javadoc] PointDataAdapter pda = new PointDataAdapter(request) where
> [javadoc] request is of the form
> [javadoc] "adde://adde.ucar.edu/pointdata?"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/Quantity.java:45: warning - The
> first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for quantities (e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for quantities (e.g. temperature, wind). "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: InSituAirTemperatureProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPointProfile
> [javadoc] "Read in the java classes defined in any "<class ...>" tag
> s under the root."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/RaobDataSource.j
> ava:66: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: DataSource
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:599: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Read in the java classes defined in any "<class ..."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/grid/DerivedGridFactory.j
> ava:261: warning - Tag @see: no final close quote: ""Meteorology for Scientis
> ts and Engineers" p. 233;"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/RingSet.java:45: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e. a
> [javadoc] "bullseye")."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/ScaledPanel.java:225: warni
> ng - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
> [javadoc] Because I needed some precise semantics, especially for the y scr
> een coordinate."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:58: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/xml/XmlUtil.java:354: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "The attrs parameter is an array of [name1, value1, name2, value2,
> ...]
> [javadoc] Set these attributes on the given node."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "The attrs parameter is an array of [name1, value1, name2, value2,
> ...]
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:963: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Gets called when the user has selected a new DataChoice
> [javadoc] By default this method extracts the first DataChoice from t
> he list of choices
> [javadoc] and calls setData (DataChoice dataChoice) {return true;}
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/VariableStandardized.java:420: war
> ning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Gets called when the user has selected a new DataChoice
> [javadoc] By default this method extracts the first DataChoice from t
> he list of choices
> [javadoc] and calls setData (DataChoice dataChoice) {return true;}
> [javadoc] <p>
> [javadoc] This returns whether the data setting was successfull or no
> t."
> [javadoc] "Set the Description for this Variable."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Set the Description for this Variable. default is to use the "lon
> g_name" attribute."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/PlanViewControl.ja
> va:351: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Move the Plan View to this level, in ? units."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Move the Plan View to this level, in ? "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMaster.java:942:
> warning - Tag @see: missing #: "visad.MouseHelper.setFunctionMap(int[][][]) f
> or info."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMaster.java:942:
> warning - Tag @see: can't find visad.MouseHelper.setFunctionMap(int[][][]) in
> ucar.visad.display.DisplayMaster
> [javadoc] "Show the animation properties dialog box, setting the scroll bar
> values
> [javadoc] to values in the provided AnimationInfo "transfer."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/AnimationPropertiesDialo
> g.java:256: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Wait for final results, and then put back in "transfer"."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Show the animation properties dialog box, setting the scroll bar
> values
> [javadoc] to values in the provided AnimationInfo "transfer."
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/Array.java:142: warning - The firs
> t sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Create a new Array using same backing store as this Array, by
> [javadoc] fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Create a new Array using same backing store as this Array, by
> [javadoc] fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value. redu
> ces rank by 1."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/metdata/StationTable.java:39:
> warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Abstraction for (read-only) table of (Fixed) Stations
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Abstraction for (read-only) table of (Fixed) Stations
> [javadoc] <p>
> [javadoc] This is a map by Identifier.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] "Provides support for trajectories (i.e."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: Pressure
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: Temperature
> [javadoc] "Provides support for trajectories (i.e. a set of points in some v
> ector space
> [javadoc] that are ordered on a 1-D manifold)."
> [javadoc] "The transform..."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPoint
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "The transform... methods are called by the base canvas class and
> the glyphs
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: PolarHorizontalWind
> [javadoc] to transform the corrdinate system."
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: LatLonAlt
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/physics/Trajectory.java:38: warn
> ing - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/symbol/StationModelCanvas.j
> ava:618: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/physics/YSpeed.java:97: warning
> - Tag @see: can't find Speed(String name, Unit unit, Set set) in ucar.visad.p
> hysics.YSpeed
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ZebraConvention.ja
> va:35: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] Building index for all classes...
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/overview-summary.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:65: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/RaobDataSource.j
> ava:66: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: DataSource
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/pac
> kage-summary.html...
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/GDVConvention.java
> :34: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ZebraConvention.ja
> va:35: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "added latitude."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "added latitude. longitude, altitude for ATD radar files. might be
> better as subclass.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/package-sum
> mary.html...
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center>"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - @r
> ef is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "<h1><center> Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)</center></h1>
> [javadoc] The idv package provides the glue between the data sources
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Ta
> g @link: reference not found: ucar.unidata.idv.release
> [javadoc] within ucar.unidata.data package and the displays in the
> [javadoc] ucar.unidata.idv.control package. "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - Ta
> g @link: reference not found: DisplayControl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/package.html: warning - @r
> ef is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GridDisplayControl
> .java:71: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/control/pac
> kage-summary.html...
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Class with methods used by a DisplayControl impl. for gridded dat
> a."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/metdata/StationTable.java:39:
> warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/metdata/package
> -summary.html...
> [javadoc] "Abstraction for (read-only) table of (Fixed) Stations
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Abstraction for (read-only) table of (Fixed) Stations
> [javadoc] <p>
> [javadoc] This is a map by Identifier.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/IndependentWindow.java:47:
> warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/ui/package-summ
> ary.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides common L&F for managing independent windows
> [javadoc] Will reset L&F
> [javadoc] example: "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/ScaledPanel.java:225: warni
> ng - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides common L&F for managing independent windows
> [javadoc] Will reset L&F
> [javadoc] example: <pre>
> [javadoc] infoWindow = new IndependentWindow("Dataset Information");
> [javadoc] datasetInfoTA = new TextHistoryPane(500, 100, true);
> [javadoc] Container cp = infoWindow.getContentPane();
> [javadoc] cp.add(datasetInfoTA, BorderLayout.CENTER);
> [javadoc] infoWindow.pack();
> [javadoc] infoWindow.setSize(700,700);
> [javadoc] infoWindow.setLocation(100,100);
> [javadoc] </pre>"
> [javadoc] "Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
> [javadoc] Because I needed some precise semantics, especially for the y scr
> een coordinate."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/p
> ackage-summary.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides a 2-D VisAD display for an aerological (i.e."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/AerologicalDispl
> ay.java:61: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/DomainExtractorC
> ell.java:53: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Set
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides a 2-D VisAD display for an aerological (i.e. meteorologi
> cal
> [javadoc] thermodynamic) diagram."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/MeanWindTrace.ja
> va:45: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for displaying the mean wind as a trace (i.e. a
> point).
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticD
> isplayable.java:50: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Displayable
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/xml/package.html: warning - @r
> ef is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/xml/package.html: warning - @r
> ef is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/units/package-summary.h
> tml...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for abstract base quantities (e.g."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/BaseQuantity.java:31: warning -
> The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OffsetUnit.java:30: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for abstract base quantities (e.g. length, time)
> ."
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/units/OperationException.java:28: warn
> ing - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (
> e.g. as
> [javadoc] the unit "degree Celsius" is offset from the reference unit "kelv
> in").
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "Provides support for unit operation failures (e.g."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for unit operation failures (e.g. multiplication
> )."
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/package-summary.h
> tml...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for quantities (e.g."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/Quantity.java:45: warning - The
> first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for quantities (e.g. temperature, wind). "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/RingSet.java:45: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/package-s
> ummary.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for a set of evenly-spaced, concentric rings (i.
> e. a
> [javadoc] "bullseye")."
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/physics/package-s
> ummary.html...
> [javadoc] "Provides support for trajectories (i.e."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/physics/Trajectory.java:38: warn
> ing - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/physics/Density.java:41: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for trajectories (i.e. a set of points in some v
> ector space
> [javadoc] that are ordered on a 1-D manifold)."
> [javadoc] "Provides support for the quantity of density (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Provides support for the quantity of density (i.e. mass/volume)."
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/Array.html...
> [javadoc] "Create a new Array using same backing store as this Array, by
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/Array.java:142: warning - The firs
> t sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Create a new Array using same backing store as this Array, by
> [javadoc] fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value. redu
> ces rank by 1."
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayAbstract.html.
> ..
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayAbstract.java:233: warning -
> The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayAbstract.java:296: warning -
> The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Create a new Array using same backing store as this Array, by
> [javadoc] fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Create a new Array using same backing store as this Array, by
> [javadoc] fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value. redu
> ces rank by 1."
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayBoolean.html..
> .
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayBoolean.java:99: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayByte.java:99: warning - The f
> irst sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayByte.html...
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayChar.html...
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayChar.java:99: warning - The f
> irst sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayDouble.java:97: warning - The
> first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayDouble.html...
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayFloat.html...
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayFloat.java:98: warning - The
> first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayInt.html...
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayInt.java:99: warning - The fi
> rst sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayLong.java:99: warning - The f
> irst sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayLong.html...
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/ma2/ArrayShort.html...
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/ma2/ArrayShort.java:99: warning - The
> first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "used by copyTo1DJavaArray. made public for DODS efficiency"
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/nc2/NCdump.html...
> [javadoc] "ncdump, parsing command string, file already open
> [javadoc] usage:
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:41: warning - @author:
> is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:41: warning - @author:
> is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "ncdump, parsing command string, file already open
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:41: warning - @version
> : is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:118: warning - The fir
> st sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] usage:
> [javadoc] <pre>[-ncml] [-c | -vall] [-v varName,...]"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:52: warning - @return:
> is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:63: warning - @return:
> is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:75: warning - @return:
> is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/NCdump.java:118: warning - @return
> : is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/nc2/VariableStandardize
> d.html...
> [javadoc] "Set the Description for this Variable."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/VariableStandardized.java:420: war
> ning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Set the Description for this Variable. default is to use the "lon
> g_name" attribute."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/dods/DODSNetcdfFile.java:557: warn
> ing - Tag @see: reference not found: DODSStructure.getNameShort
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/dods/DODSNetcdfFile.java:574: warn
> ing - Tag @see: reference not found: DODSVariable.getNameShort
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/dods/DODSStructure.java:245: warni
> ng - Tag @see: reference not found: DODSStructure.getNameShort
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/dods/DODSStructure.java:284: warni
> ng - Tag @see: reference not found: DODSVariable.getNameShort
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/nc2/dods/DODSStructure.java:302: warni
> ng - Tag @see: reference not found: DODSVariable.getName
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/netcdf/NetcdfServer.java:52: warning -
> @note is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:47: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:51: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:73: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:58: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:51: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:51: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:58: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:58: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:73: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:73: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:63: warnin
> g - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:63: warnin
> g - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:215: warni
> ng - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:197: warni
> ng - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:197: warni
> ng - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:215: warni
> ng - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataAlias.java:215: warni
> ng - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: AirTemperature
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPoint
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:130: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:130: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: InSituAirTemperatureProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPointProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: Pressure
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: Temperature
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPoint
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: PolarHorizontalWind
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: LatLonAlt
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: InSituAirTemperatureProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:122: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPointProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:130: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:130: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: EarthLocationTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: AirTemperature
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:138: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPoint
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DateTime
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: Pressure
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: Temperature
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: DewPoint
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: PolarHorizontalWind
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataCategory.java:146: wa
> rning - Tag @link: reference not found: LatLonAlt
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:294:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:671:
> warning - Tag @link: malformed: "#DataSourceImpl(DataSourceDescriptor, String
> , String,
> [javadoc] HashTable"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:398:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:294:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:294:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:398:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:398:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:671:
> warning - Tag @link: malformed: "#DataSourceImpl(DataSourceDescriptor, String
> , String,
> [javadoc] HashTable"
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/DataSource
> Impl.html...
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:671:
> Tag @link: Malformed: #DataSourceImpl(DataSourceDescriptor, String, String,
> [javadoc] HashTable
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:671:
> warning - Tag @link: malformed: "#DataSourceImpl(DataSourceDescriptor, String
> , String,
> [javadoc] HashTable"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataSourceImpl.java:671:
> warning - Tag @link: malformed: "#DataSourceImpl(DataSourceDescriptor, String
> , String,
> [javadoc] HashTable"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataChoice.java:16
> 7: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataChoice.java:16
> 7: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataChoice.java:16
> 7: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:65: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDat
> aDescriptor.html...
> [javadoc] "Read in the java classes defined in any "<class ...>" tag
> s under the root."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:65: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "Read in the java classes defined in any "<class ..."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:599: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:378: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:378: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:391: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DerivedDataDescriptor.jav
> a:391: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:77:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:77:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:77:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:107:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/VisadDataSource.java:120:
> warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/grid/DerivedGridFactory.j
> ava:136: warning - @ee is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/grid/DerivedGridFactory.j
> ava:385: warning - @ee is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/grid/GeoGridDataSource.ja
> va:269: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/grid/GeoGridDataSource.ja
> va:269: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/grid/GeoGridDataSource.ja
> va:269: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/point/PointObFactory.java
> :48: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/point/Poin
> tObFactory.html...
> [javadoc] "Returns a point observation as a FieldImpl of type:
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Returns a point observation as a FieldImpl of type:
> [javadoc] <pre>
> [javadoc] (Time -> ((lat, lon, alt) -> (data)))"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Level2Record.java:5
> 02: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Leve
> l2Record.html...
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns a bin data element from the
> *
> [javadoc] specified read level II record."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Level2Record.java:4
> 76: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns a bin data element from the
> *
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Level2Record.java:4
> 51: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] specified read level II record"
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns the number of bins defined for
> *
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/radar/Level2Record.java:5
> 45: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] the specified moment in a read level II record."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns the number of bins defined for
> *
> [javadoc] the specified moment in a read level II record"
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns the radial bin size (meters) for
> *
> [javadoc] the specified moment in a read level II record."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns the radial bin size (meters) for
> *
> [javadoc] the specified moment in a read level II record"
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns a bin data value from the specif
> ied*
> [javadoc] read level II record."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Description: This method returns a bin data value from the specif
> ied*
> [javadoc] read level II record"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/SoundingAdapter.
> java:64: warning - @returns is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/RAOB.java:2798:
> warning - Tag @return cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can on
> ly be used in the following types of documentation: method.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/sounding/RaobDataSource.j
> ava:66: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: DataSource
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/geoloc/ProjectionImpl.java:128
> : warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/geoloc/Projecti
> onImpl.html...
> [javadoc] "Get the parameters as a list of ucar.nc2.Attribute name/values."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Get the parameters as a list of ucar.nc2.Attribute name/values. v
> alues are strings."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/gis/GisFeatureRenderer.java:46
> : warning - @author: is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/gis/GisFeatureRenderer.java:46
> : warning - @version: is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/Renderer.java:47: warning
> - Tag @see: reference not found: RendSurfObs for an example using pixelAT.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/gis/GisFeatureRendererMulti.ja
> va:46: warning - @author: is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/gis/GisFeatureRendererMulti.ja
> va:46: warning - @version: is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/gis/shapefile/EsriShapefileRen
> derer.java:50: warning - @author: is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/gis/shapefile/EsriShapefileRen
> derer.java:50: warning - @author: is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/gis/shapefile/EsriShapefileRen
> derer.java:50: warning - @version: is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ParseStrategy.java
> :767: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/Par
> seStrategy.html...
> [javadoc] "See if this dimension has an aliased coordinate variable:
> [javadoc] A global attribute of that dimension name, whose value is the na
> me of a coord var, eg:
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "See if this dimension has an aliased coordinate variable:
> [javadoc] A global attribute of that dimension name, whose value is the na
> me of a coord var, eg:
> [javadoc] <pre>
> [javadoc] :dimName = alias;
> [javadoc] Variable alias(alias);
> [javadoc] </pre>"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ParseStrategy.java
> :767: warning - Tag @param cannot be used in class documentation. It can onl
> y be used in the following types of documentation: constructor, method.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ParseStrategy.java
> :767: warning - Tag @return cannot be used in class documentation. It can on
> ly be used in the following types of documentation: method.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ParseStrategy.java
> :767: warning - Tag @param cannot be used in class documentation. It can onl
> y be used in the following types of documentation: constructor, method.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/grid/netcdf/ParseStrategy.java
> :767: warning - Tag @return cannot be used in class documentation. It can on
> ly be used in the following types of documentation: method.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/DisplayConventions.java:27
> 0: warning - @parm is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 197: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedD
> ataViewer.html...
> [javadoc] "When we persist off the application state the actual object
> [javadoc] that is persisted is a Hashtable that holds the list of Dat
> aSource-s,
> [javadoc] ViewManager-s, DisplayControl-s and a Hashtable of misc."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "When we persist off the application state the actual object
> [javadoc] that is persisted is a Hashtable that holds the list of Dat
> aSource-s,
> [javadoc] ViewManager-s, DisplayControl-s and a Hashtable of misc. pr
> operties.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 2955: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "This method checks if the given action is one of:"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 1377: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 3435: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] "This method checks if the given action is one of:<p>
> [javadoc] <li> Jython code -- starts with jython:<br>
> [javadoc] <li> Help link -- starts with help:<br>
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 1944: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] <li> Resource bundle file -- ends with .rbi<br>
> [javadoc] <li> bundle file -- ends with .xidv<br>
> [javadoc] <li> jnlp file -- ends with .jnlp<br>
> [javadoc] It returns true if the action is one of these.
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 1377: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/IntegratedDataViewer.java:
> 1377: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:58: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/data/DataContext.java:73: warn
> ing - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/ParamDefaultsEditor.java:1
> 08: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/ParamDefaultsEditor.java:1
> 08: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:893: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/control/Dis
> playControlImpl.html...
> [javadoc] "Create the main button panel (e.g., visbility checkbox, Clear but
> ton, etc.)
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1412: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This method also calls doMakeSubButtonPanel to allow sub-cl
> asses
> [javadoc] to include their own components in this panel."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Create the main button panel (e.g., visbility checkbox, Clear but
> ton, etc.)
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "Gets called when the user has selected a new DataChoice
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] By default this method extracts the first DataChoice from t
> he list of choices
> [javadoc] and calls setData (DataChoice dataChoice) {return true;}
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:963: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Gets called when the user has selected a new DataChoice
> [javadoc] By default this method extracts the first DataChoice from t
> he list of choices
> [javadoc] and calls setData (DataChoice dataChoice) {return true;}
> [javadoc] <p>
> [javadoc] This returns whether the data setting was successfull or no
> t."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:893: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:893: warning - @ref is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/GriddedSkewTContro
> l.java:292: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: MathType
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/PlanViewControl.ja
> va:338: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/idv/control/Pla
> nViewControl.html...
> [javadoc] "Return active level value in ? units."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Return active level value in ? "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/PlanViewControl.ja
> va:351: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Move the Plan View to this level, in ? units."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Move the Plan View to this level, in ? "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/idv/control/DisplayControlImpl
> .java:1039: warning - Tag @link: can't find getInitialColorTable(String) in u
> car.unidata.idv.control.DisplayControlImpl
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/io/RandomAccessFile.java:1617:
> warning - Tag @see: reference not found: testBytes
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/io/RandomAccessFile.java:1617:
> warning - Tag @see: reference not found: testBlocks
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/io/RandomAccessFile.java:1617:
> warning - Tag @see: reference not found: benchmark
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/metdata/Station.java:32: warni
> ng - Tag @see: reference not found: ucar.unidata.stations.AWSMSC.Entry
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/GraphPaperLayout.java:166:
> warning - Tag @see: reference not found: java.awt.GraphPaperLayout#getLargest
> CellSize
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/ui/ScaledPanel.
> html...
> [javadoc] "Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/ScaledPanel.java:225: warni
> ng - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Because I needed some precise semantics, especially for the y scr
> een coordinate."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/ui/symbol/StationModelCanvas.j
> ava:618: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/ui/symbol/Stati
> onModelCanvas.html...
> [javadoc] "The transform..."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "The transform... methods are called by the base canvas class and
> the glyphs
> [javadoc] to transform the corrdinate system."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/util/ByteString.java:50: warni
> ng - Tag @see: reference not found: sun.io.ByteToChar8859_1
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/util/ByteString.java:63: warni
> ng - Tag @see: reference not found: sun.io.CharToByte8859_1
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/util/Timestamp.java:70: warnin
> g - Tag @see: reference not found: java.lang.Date
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/util/TimestampFormat.java:66:
> warning - Tag @see: reference not found: ucar.ldm.Timestamp#format
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/Renderer.java:47: warning
> - Tag @see: reference not found: RendSurfObs for an example using pixelAT.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/geoloc/MapProjectionDispl
> ayJ3D.java:56: warning - Tag @see: reference not found: enableRubberBanding
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/geoloc/NavigatedPanel.jav
> a:374: warning - @rotate is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/geoloc/Navigation.java:11
> 5: warning - @rotate is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/profilers/ProfilerSingleS
> tationDisplay.java:83: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/view/profilers/
> ProfilerSingleStationDisplay.html...
> [javadoc] "Constructs the default instance."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/profilers/ProfilerSingleS
> tationDisplay.java:96: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Constructs the default instance. no data."
> [javadoc] "Constructs from a profiler data Field obtained from
> [javadoc] PointDataAdapter pda = new PointDataAdapter(request) where
> [javadoc] request is of the form
> [javadoc] "adde://adde.ucar.edu/pointdata?group=rtptsrc&descr=profhourly&pa
> ram=time z dir spd day&select='ida pltc'&num=all&compress=true" ids being the
> station id"
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Constructs from a profiler data Field obtained from
> [javadoc] PointDataAdapter pda = new PointDataAdapter(request) where
> [javadoc] request is of the form
> [javadoc] "adde://adde.ucar.edu/pointdata?"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/BuoyancyProfileB
> ean.java:132: warning - Tag @link: can't find instance() in ucar.unidata.view
> .sounding.AirTemperatureProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/BuoyancyProfileB
> ean.java:150: warning - Tag @link: can't find instance() in ucar.unidata.view
> .sounding.DewPointProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/BuoyancyProfileB
> ean.java:168: warning - Tag @link: can't find instance() in ucar.unidata.view
> .sounding.AirTemperatureProfile
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/DomainExtractorC
> ell.java:53: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Set
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/DomainExtractorC
> ell.java:90: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: SampledSet
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/IntegrateCell.ja
> va:62: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: FlatField
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/IntegrateCell.ja
> va:62: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: FlatField
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/ParcelMode.java:
> 75: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/P
> arcelMode.html...
> [javadoc] "Compute a path for a lifted parcel whose initial conditions are b
> ased on
> [javadoc] the pressure, potential-temperature, and mixing-ratio of the soun
> ding
> [javadoc] at maximum pressure (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Compute a path for a lifted parcel whose initial conditions are b
> ased on
> [javadoc] the pressure, potential-temperature, and mixing-ratio of the soun
> ding
> [javadoc] at maximum pressure (i.e. the bottom of the sounding)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/PseudoAdiabaticD
> isplayable.java:50: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Displayable
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/VirtualTemperatu
> reProfileCell.java:85: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Real
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/VirtualTemperatu
> reProfileCell.java:85: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Real
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/sounding/VirtualTemperatu
> reProfileCell.java:85: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: RealType
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/station/StationLocationMa
> p.java:270: warning - @ is an unknown tag.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/view/Renderer.java:47: warning
> - Tag @see: reference not found: RendSurfObs for an example using pixelAT.
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/unidata/xml/XmlUtil.java:354: warning
> - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/unidata/xml/XmlUtil.htm
> l...
> [javadoc] "The attrs parameter is an array of [name1, value1, name2, value2,
> ...]
> [javadoc] Set these attributes on the given node."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "The attrs parameter is an array of [name1, value1, name2, value2,
> ...]
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/MapFamily.html...
> [javadoc] "Test the MapFamily class
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/MapFamily.java:178: warning - Th
> e first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] run java ucar.visad.MapFamily map1 map2 ..."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Test the MapFamily class
> [javadoc] run java ucar.visad.MapFamily map1 map2 ... mapn"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/Quantity.java:235: warning - Tag
> @link: reference not found: TupleQuantity.RealTuple
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/ScalarQuantity.java:51: warning
> - Tag @link: reference not found: ucar.visad.geoscience.Azimuth
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/ScalarQuantity.java:51: warning
> - Tag @link: reference not found: ucar.visad.geoscience.Altitude
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/UTMCoordinateSystem.java:375: wa
> rning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/UTMCoordinateSyst
> em.html...
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/UTMCoordinateSystem.java:54: Tag
> @see: Malformed: http://www.ai.sri.com/geotransform/
> [javadoc] ""Get a bounding box in this coordinate system."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/UTMCoordinateSystem.java:396: wa
> rning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Return an x-y rectangle that covers most of a UTM zone, in meter
> s."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] ""Get a bounding box in this coordinate system."
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] "Do nothing, return true to tell the encoder that it is ok to proc
> ess
> [javadoc] any methods or properties."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Do nothing, return true to tell the encoder that it is ok to proc
> ess
> [javadoc] any methods or properties. needed for XmlPersistable"
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/Animation
> PropertiesDialog.html...
> [javadoc] "Show the animation properties dialog box, setting the scroll bar
> values
> [javadoc] to values in the provided AnimationInfo "transfer."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/AnimationPropertiesDialo
> g.java:256: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] Wait for final results, and then put back in "transfer"."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] "Show the animation properties dialog box, setting the scroll bar
> values
> [javadoc] to values in the provided AnimationInfo "transfer."
> [javadoc] "
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayableData.java:348
> : warning - Tag @link: missing #: "getDataRenderer()"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayableData.java:348
> : warning - Tag @link: missing #: "getDataRenderer()"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayableData.java:348
> : warning - Tag @link: missing #: "getDataRenderer()"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayableData.java:348
> : warning - Tag @link: missing #: "getDataRenderer()"
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMaster.java:1140:
> warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Display
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMa
> ster.html...
> [javadoc] "<p>Ensures that this instance is inactive (i.e."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMaster.java:1444:
> warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "<p>Ensures that this instance is inactive (i.e. that it will not
> [javadoc] automatically rebuild the display when appropriate)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/DisplayMaster.java:1140:
> warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Display
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/display/Grid2DDisplayable.java:5
> 1: warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Projection
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/quantities/GridRelativeHorizonta
> lWind.java:208: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Gridded1DSet
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/quantities/GridRelativeHorizonta
> lWind.java:208: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: SingletonSet
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/quantities/GridRelativeHorizonta
> lWind.java:208: warning - Missing closing } character for inline tag: "{@link
> [javadoc] #cartesianHorizontalWind(FlatFie
> ld),
> [javadoc] or if the input field is a
> [javadoc] time-series but its range values
> [javadoc] are incompatible with {@link
> [javadoc] #cartesianHorizontalWind(FlatFie
> ld)."
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/quantities/GridRelativeHorizonta
> lWind.java:271: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: Gridded1DSet
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/quantities/GridRelativeHorizonta
> lWind.java:271: warning - Tag @link: reference not found: SingletonSet
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/ucar/visad/quantities/Satura
> tionVaporPressure.html...
> [javadoc] "Obtains the RealType of the derivative w.r.t."
> [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -bre
> akiterator:
> [javadoc] /home/mccormik/metapps/ucar/visad/quantities/SaturationVaporPressu
> re.java:172: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
> [javadoc] "Obtains the RealType of the derivative w.r.t. temperature."
> [javadoc] Generating /home/mccormik/metapps/doc/stylesheet.css...
> [javadoc] 1 error
> [javadoc] 528 warnings
>Total time: 3 minutes 24 seconds