To: address@hidden, To: address@hidden From: John McCormick <address@hidden> Subject: Re: To Don Murray (from John McCormick).... Organization: SAIC Keywords: 200304181612.h3IGCb7U005087 IDV source
I've been meeting with managers from our group and the EPA and it sounds like they're interested in having me get to know the "source code" of IDV so that I could tailor it to accommodate "ioapi", "m3io", and other types of netcdf files... However, what I'd like to find out is if you (or your group) would rather prefer making alterations in the source code to accommodate the various files that EPA wants to have done or send the source code to us and have us work on it.... I know that the EPA would like to have this capability and what I'm doing is sharing with you this information and finding out what your thoughts (and/or direction) are on this....
The IDV source is freely available under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) to the EPA (or anyone else) for use as they see fit under those guidelines. I've attached a document that details how to download the source and set up the environment (it's not on line). If you fix bugs and/or make modifications that would be generally useful, we would consider rolling them back into the code. Since the EPA falls outside the UPC's support area, the best we can offer is to help you make modifications as time permits.
Thanks, Don, and have a very fine day,
Thanks. Have a good weekend. Don ************************************************************* Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program address@hidden P.O. Box 3000 (303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307 *************************************************************Title: Downloading and Running the Unidata IDV
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Building the IDV from source.$Date: 2003/04/17 19:40:12 $Before building the IDV you need to first install Ant ( on your machine. Ant is similar to make - instead of a Makefile Ant uses a build.xml file (found in ucar/build.xml). Next, download the MetApps source files from the Unidata Web Site (under Downloads->IDV->Source): unJAR this file using "jar xvf metapps_src.jar". This will create a "metapps" directory underneath the install directory (where you unJAR'ed the file). You should then create a lib directory as a peer of the "ucar" directory under "metapps" that holds the ancillary jar files from the IDV distribution that are needed to build the classes. The structure will look like this: metapps | +----ucar | +----lib (holds the ancillary jar files). Download the ancillary JAR files,, from the Downloads -> IDV -> Binary section of the Unidata Web site: to the lib directory and unzip the file. Now you should be able to cd to the ucar directory and run ant with the idvjar target:
This does a clean (removing all .class files), makes the IDV and creates the idv.jar file, copying it to the lib directory. To run the IDV you can cd to the lib directory and run:
To simply clean the source tree do:
If you are doing development work within the ucar packages you can add the <install_dir> to your classpath and use the 'ant idv' target to compile the IDV source:
If you are compiling directly with |