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Re: 20030327:Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) problems (cont.)


> Do you know any functioning tool that combines parameters coming from 
> different
> netCDF files into a common one?

I learn that new netCDF software under development at Unidata  
will be able to do this. The software package will be available 
in a few months.


> ******************************************************************************
> *                                        \                                   *
> *               III  M   M  K   K         \  Dr. Hans-Juergen Panitz         *
> *                I   MM MM  K  K           \                                 *
> *                I   M M M  KKK             \  E-mail:                       *
> *                I   M   M  K  K             \  address@hidden            *
> *               III  M   M  K   K             \                              *
> * postal address:                              \                             *
> * Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe                   \   Phone:                   *
> * Institut fuer Meteorologie und Klimaforschung  \  +49-7247-82-2802         *
> * Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1                   \ Fax:                     *
> * D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen                 \  +49-7247-82-4377       *
> * Germany                                           \

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