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- Subject: 20030320:IDV
- Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:22:00 -0700
Your attached picture says, in addtion to your email,
"... the entire IDV window environment
disappears. It is not just this example but in every example
where Omni-Control is selected."
Attached is an picture of the IDV displaying some
of your MET_CROSS_2.v5d data in the Omni control, to show that
the Omni control does work for some gridded data at least.
The picture you sent shows the data source name is
03030100_metar.nc. If this data file is a point source
data file it may well be that the Omni control cannot
handle it properly. If you can provide this data source
to us by email or through an FTP server, so we can look
at it, we may be able to identify the problem.
John McCormick wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
[Fwd: Ref Number (002) ... from John McCormick, SAIC, Inc to Stuart
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:13:34 -0500
John McCormick <address@hidden>
"Barry Herchenroder." <address@hidden>,"Mike Uhl."
FYI, I've attached a "snapshot" of a condition where the IDV windows
"disappear" when the Omni-Control Switch is selected and the attached
document shows an example of this problem...
Work Information:
John W. McCormick, Systems Programmer / DBA
SAIC, Contractor to US-EPA
P.O. Box 13723
US-EPA, Bldg NCC, Rm N111G
Durham, NC 27709
Office: 919-541-0890
Fax: 919-541-0056
Work Email: address@hidden
Home Information:
John W. McCormick
8113 Brently Drive
Apex, NC 27502
Home: 919-662-5772
Home Email: address@hidden
Cell : 919-801-6210
Pers. Web Page: www.ipass.net/~jmccormi
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