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[IDD #ZTE-330234]: 20200413: GOES-17 outages April 2020?

Hi Carol,

> We've been missing the 6:00 - 11:59 UTC files for GOES-17 for all bands
> and sectors since April 9th. It seems like other sites like COD and
> Wisconsin have the imagery.
> Has there been issues with the GOES-17 ldm feed?

NOAA is operating GOES-17 in Flex Mode 3 for its Cooling Timeline
Implementation from 6 - 12 UTC from April 9 - May 1.  During this
special operating mode, Full Disk scans are made in all channels
every 15 minuts; CONUS scans are _not_ made; and mesoscale scans
are alternated between Mesoscale-1 and Mesoscale-2.

Here is the announcement that was sent out regarding this procedure:

"Topic: GOES-17 (GOES-West) ABI Mode 3 Cooling Timeline Implementation

Date/Time Issued:  April 06, 2020 1310Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-17  ABI Imagery and Level 2 Products

Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 09, 2020 0600 UTC

Date/Time of Expected End: May 01, 2020 1200 UTC

Length of Event: 6-hours each day from 0600 UTC to 1200 UTC and lasting from
April 09, 2020 through May 01, 2020.  The same timeline will occur seasonally
in operations for four periods each year.  See details below.

Details/Specifics of Change: GOES-17 ABI is going to commence seasonal
operational implementation of the Mode 3 Cooling Timeline. The first
implementation of the seasonal Mode 3 Cooling Timeline was from February 26,
2020 through March 01, 2020. The next upcoming implementation starts on
Thursday, April 09, 2020 through Friday, May 01, 2020. The cooling timeline is
implemented to mitigate the number of saturated images resulting from the loop
heat pipe (LHP) temperature regulation anomaly.  The timeline will occur for 6
hours, centered on spacecraft midnight from 0600 UTC to 1200 UTC each day. The
same timeline will occur seasonally in operations for four periods each year. 
The next two full periods in 2020 are given below with subsequent periods for
2021 to be confirmed based on future GOES-17 ABI thermal models:

  • August 12, 2020 - September 01, 2020

  • October 14, 2020 - October 31, 2020

  • Dates for 2021 are yet to be determined, but will be shared prior to
    January, 2021.  

The timeline will operate in Mode 3 (“Flex Mode 3” uploaded as timelineID=3)
where GOES-17 ABI will generate a single full disk once per 15 minutes and
generate one mesoscale domain sector each minute. Alternating MESO domains will
be collected one time each per two minute period. The CONUS domain will not be
scanned during the timeline as those periods will be used for cooling.

Full Disk product availability will occur every 15 minutes with timestamps of
HH:00, HH:15, HH:30, and HH:45 (with HH:00 representing data collected from
HH:00 through HH:15 and HH:15 representing data collected from HH:15 through
HH:30, etc.) for each hour from 0600-1200 UTC on April 09, 2020  through May 1,
2020.  Mesoscale domain sector availability will alternate each minute between
the two mesos (e.g. HH:00 for MESO1, HH:01 for MESO2, HH:02 for MESO1, HH:03
for MESO2).  GOES-17 ABI will continue its capability to handle domain sector
requests during the cooling timeline period. Nominal Mode 6 operations will
resume at 1200 UTC on each day of cooling timeline operations.  INR and
radiometric calibration will be maintained throughout the cooling timeline
periods of activation.  The data availability from each distribution service is
provided below in a format of “Distribution Service: Data Availability”. "

I believe that Greg should be getting this (and LOTS more) type of notification
because we are automatically forwarding them to him.  Do you want to be added
to the forward list?  Warning: there are LOTS of notifications most of which
are pretty routine.



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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZTE-330234
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
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