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[IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files
- Subject: [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files
- Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 15:35:23 -0600
Hi Jim,
> After I consult with Ted and Dan and get their concurrence, I think I'll give
> the
> installation a try.
Very good. The build/install process is not hard.
> Unidata still had my account online, but I had forgotten my
> password. After I got that squared away and was logged in, I tried to go to
> the McIDAS
> download page, but got the "forbidden" message.
I will alert our web developer to the problem.
> I was just trying to see how involved the installation would be.
It is not hard ** assuming that your existing installation was done
following the recommendations in the McIDAS-X User's Guide portion
of the Unidata website.
Here is an ABC for doing an installation in an existing 'mcidas'
0) rename the unpack script for your existing distribution
<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas
mv mcunpack mcunpack.2009
1) download the latest Unidata McIDAS-X distribution to the HOME
directory of the user 'mcidas'
Like I said above, I will send your inability to download the
package to our web developer.
The tree files that you need to download are:
2) make sure that the needed environment variable McINST_ROOT has
been defined
This should have been given your existing McIDAS-X installation,
but if it does not exist, define it:
<as 'mcidas'>
3) unpack the distribution
<as 'mcidas'>
chmod +x mcunpack
4) build the distribution
<as 'mcidas'>
cd mcidas2019/src
make all
make all xrd
The first 'make' invocation will build McIDAS-X alone.
The second 'make' invocation will build McIDAS-X and McIDAS-XCD.
The third 'make' invocation will build McIDAS-X, McIDAS-XCD and McIDAS-XRD.
If you do not run McIDAS-X decoders on data received by the LDM/IDD,
you would probably select the first option.
5) if the build continues to completion with no errors (an error
will stop the build), do the following:
<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas/mcidas2009/src
make uninstall.all
cd ~/mcidas2019/src
make install
make install.all
make install.all install.xrd
See above for the meaning of the three options.
6) assuming that the environment for 'mcidas' is properly
setup, you should be good to go
If you have not setup the 'mcidas' environment, I will need
to understand how you are currently setup before I can guide
you to the easiest way to proceed.
Comment and question:
I have the Unidata McIDAS-X v2019a release just about ready to post
as a replacement for the v2019 that is currently available.
I could setup anonymous FTP download for the v2019a distribution if
you are game to use it instead of v2019. There should be NO downside
to doing this, so I have no hesitation in you trying it. Please let
me know if you want to go this route, as I need time to move the
needed files (see 1) above) to the mcidas section of our anonymous
FTP server, and I have to know that you will download the the files
shortly after I post them... given our licensing with UW/SSEC for
McIDAS, I can not leave the files on anonymous FTP for very long.
The other possibility is I can FTP the files to you if you have
an FTP site that I can upload to.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SET-184160
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web. If
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must
let us know in each email you send to us.