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[Support #PZX-493994]: IDD question
- Subject: [Support #PZX-493994]: IDD question
- Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 15:38:45 -0600
Hi Jim,
Your support question has found its way to me. I understand you are hoping to
insert a product hourly to the LDM queue
for others to use.
This is a common practice.
You would use the LDM utilty pqinsert to add the product to the queue.
Here is the man page dump for pqinsert:
pqinsert - insert files as products in an LDM product queue.
pqinsert [-ivx] [-l logfile] [-q queue] [-s seqno] [-f feedtype] [-p
product ID] filename...
This program is an example of how to insert data into an LDM product
queue. Its primary function is as a coding example. It may also be
used to test the ldm system. It might also be useful to resend data
after a downstream node has been offline, or to queue locally generated
products for transmission.
Each file given on the command line is converted to a separate ldm data
product. By default, the file name is used as product identifier.
This default can be changed using the -p option to specify some other
product identifier. The product feed type is specified by the
-f option. The current time used as product arrival time. The product
is then inserted at the end of the specified queue.
-i Compute the MD5 signature from the product-identifier rather
than from the product’s data. You should only use this option
if computing the MD5 signature from the product’s data takes
too long and if the product-identifier is unique.
-f feedtype
Asserts that the data being sent has feed type feedtype. The
default is ‘EXP’, indicating an experimental feedtype.
-l logfile
the path name of a file to be used as the log file for the pro-
cess. The default is log to stderr.
-p productID
Asigns the data the product identifier productID. If multiple
files are being inserted, the product identifier becomes <pro-
ductID>.<sequenceNumber>. The default product identifier is
the name of the file being inserted.
-q queue
Pathname of the queue into which to insert the files. The
default is $(regutil /queue/path).
-s seqno
Sets the product sequence number associated with the first
product to seqno. Subsequent products (files on the command
line) are numbered sequentially. Defaults to zero.
-v Verbose flag. If present, the log will contain a line for each
product file that was inserted.
-x Requests that debugging information also be printed (currently
If the program exits with a failure status, then the user should check
the log messages for details on the failure. If the exit-status is non-
zero, then it will be that of the last input file for which an error
occurred, which will hide previous errors; consequently, inserting
files one-at-a-time is advisable if you need to know for which file an
error occurred.
0 Success. All input files were inserted into the product-queue.
We would like you to place this data into the EXP feed, that is where we place
experimental data, and unique non NCEP data. Your downstream LDM at MDL would
request the EXP feed from you.
Not knowing the path or filename, the command would look something like this:
pqinsert -f EXP <filepath>
Hopefully the filename is unique, otherwise we may need to invoke the -p
"ProductID" flag to name it something unique.
Have you worked with the LDM already, or are you new to the LDM? If new, you
may have some more questions, please ask as needed as you install the LDM. :)
Thank you,
> Hi Jeff,
> Jim is looking to setup an LDM feed to deliver a small hourly product to an
> NWS office. What would be the best path forward?
> Thanks!
> Sean
> On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 8:27 AM Jim Biard <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > Sorry to pester you guys, but I've got a data feed that folks at the NWS
> > MDL would like to have. They would apparently prefer it via LDM. It's a
> > small feed, volume-wise (one small JSON file per hour), and I was wondering
> > who might be good to talk to about best ways to accomplish that.
> >
> > Grace and peace,
> >
> > Jim
> > --
> > [image: CICS-NC] <http://www.cicsnc.org/> Visit us on
> > Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/cicsnc> *Jim Biard*
> > *Research Scholar*
> > Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites NC <http://cicsnc.org/>
> > North Carolina State University <http://ncsu.edu/>
> > NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
> > <http://ncdc.noaa.gov/>
> > *formerly NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center*
> > 151 Patton Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
> > <https://maps.google.com/?q=151+Patton+Ave,+Asheville,+NC+28801&entry=gmail&source=g>
> > e: address@hidden
> > o: +1 828 271 4900
> >
> > *Connect with us on Facebook for climate
> > <https://www.facebook.com/NOAANCEIclimate> and ocean and geophysics
> > <https://www.facebook.com/NOAANCEIoceangeo> information, and follow us on
> > Twitter at @NOAANCEIclimate <https://twitter.com/NOAANCEIclimate> and
> > @NOAANCEIocngeo <https://twitter.com/NOAANCEIocngeo>. *
> >
Jeff Weber
Unidata User Support
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PZX-493994
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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