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[IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: pavan.srcc.lsu.edu being replaces as LSU relay
- Subject: [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: pavan.srcc.lsu.edu being replaces as LSU relay
- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 10:42:52 -0600
Hi Yixin,
> I could not find any request of " CONDUIT
> NEXRAD2" at ldmd.conf
> Have you deleted it? Thanks.
No, I haven't touched ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf since yesterday afternoon.
I jumped the gun when I said it looked like you or someone else at
SRCC added REQUESTs for the above feeds... I was not diligent enough
to try and plot volumes for these feeds from the real-time stats
page for taku. Instead, I incorrectly assumed that you had added the
REQUEST(s). Apparently, the feeds being listed in the taku real-time
stats page are some sort of an artifact that will disappear from the
list in a couple of days. Sorry for alarming you needlessly!
> At taku, after running "pqcat -l- -s -q /usr/local/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq &&
> pqcheck -F -q /usr/local/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq"
> It shows"
> 20170322T155440.868036Z pqcat[20343] NOTE pqcat.c:380:main() Starting Up
> (20343): prod_class=TS_ZERO TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"}}
> 20170322T155441.689881Z pqcat[20343] ERROR pqcat.c:476:main() pqcat
> queueSanityCheck: Product count doesn't match
> 20170322T155441.689902Z pqcat[20343] ERROR pqcat.c:477:main() products
> tallied: 131263 Value in queue: 131264
> 20170322T155441.689912Z pqcat[20343] NOTE pqcat.c:162:cleanup() Exiting
> 20170322T155441.734353
Executing 'pqcheck -F -q /usr/local/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq' while the LDM
is running is very likely to report a Product count mismatch error since
products are being received continuously. To run the sanity check, you
should make sure that the LDM is stopped first.
- why did you run this invocation?
When I manually check to see if an LDM is running and receiving
products, I run:
<as 'ldm'>
ldmadmin watch
ldmadmin isrunning (will return a '1' if the LDM is not running)
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DLB-942503
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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