Thanks Jeff.Would you please give me the lines that I need to have in ldm.conf and pqact acquire HRRRx?Sen--On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Jeff Weber <address@hidden> wrote:JeffPlease let me know how things go :)We do now have an "ALLOW" for SJSU's LDM to acess is a sample file header:on the FSL2 feedtype.lead.unidata.ucar.eduWe are feeding the HRRRx (via GSD) . . . is no longer.Hi Sen,Wow, look somewhere else for a moment and things change!
WRFPRS.GRIB2.FSL.HRRR.1905141_Lambert.010Hour.GRMR.62500Pa_I sobaric.201610281300.* On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 3:37 PM, Jeff Weber <address@hidden> wrote:Easy way out is to request ANY as a feedtype and match on the HRRR requests...(or wait til tomorrow when I can check the machine)FSL2 and/or EXP...? (it has changed around a bit so I am a bit unsure)...and I am away from office currently and unable to ssh in, but the feedtype is:hrrr.unidata.ucar.eduVia Unidata, please point your (SJSU's) HRRR request to:....and Daryl could also feed you ;)Hi Sen,Yes, we still ingest the HRRRx via GSD, and it is available to the unidata community...or execute from ldm machine-..and see what we haveand also:...and compare output.Please let us/me know if you need any actions for pqact or Daryl can also share his if you are looking for the same stuff.Sorry for the skinny support, but i am home w/a sick kid today ;) . . . will tighten up more tomorrow AM.Jeff--On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 2:38 PM, Sen Chiao <address@hidden> wrote:Hello Jeff,
How are things going? I was askIng Daryl about the data and he pointed me to you.
I am currently.getting hrrr to my ldm, but not the hrrrx 36 hr data. Will it be possible to get that ?Thanks,
Sent from my ZenFone....forgive any mis-spellings
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "daryl herzmann" <address@hidden>
Date: Oct 27, 2016 13:26
Subject: Re: quick question about HRRRx
To: "Sen Chiao" <address@hidden>
Cc: "Paul Zechiel" <address@hidden>, "Arthur Eiserloh" <address@hidden>Greetings,
By HRRRx, are you referencing the HRRR that runs at ESRL/GSD in Boulder? If so, Unidata does have a special feed of that model on LDM, but it is not made for wider consumption on the IDD due to data volume. You can email Unidata and see about getting a special LDM feed request, if you want? Jeff Weber would be the best contact, I think.
On Thu, 27 Oct 2016, Sen Chiao wrote:
Hello Daryl,
Do you know if that grib2 data is on LDM or somewhere? I am interested in
the 36hr fcsts.
Thanks much,
* daryl herzmann
* Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
*/ address@hiddenUniversity Corporation for Atmospheric ResearchJeff WeberUnidata Program Centeraff/jweber
-- address@hiddenUniversity Corporation for Atmospheric ResearchJeff WeberUnidata Program Centeraff/jweber Sen Chiao, Ph.D., Associate ProfessorFaculty Athletics RepresentativeDirector, NASA MIRO Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education
Meteorology and Climate Science, San Jose State University
One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0104
408.924.5204 (O) 408.912.6521 (cell)