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[IDD #OPT-457659]: nuts
- Subject: [IDD #OPT-457659]: nuts
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 13:39:41 -0600
> this is nuts.. data coming over noaaport does not match what we used to get
> over conduit... with hrrr anyway..
There's no reason to expect that the LDM product identifiers in the CONDUIT
feed would match those from NOAAPort. NOAAPort data-products are created by the
noaaportIngester(1) program, which is under our control.
CONDUIT data-products, on the other hand, are created by NCEP by a completely
different process that carves-up the huge GRIB messages into smaller GRIB
messages. That process is out of our control.
> i mean they don't have constant
> separators... i have never been good with regex like you, but.. i mean all
> i'm trying to do is get it to store the data by parm, vcoord, and hght so
> that i don't have to dump everything to the s3 from the dish... i mean look
> here
> 1. we have a dash showing 90-0 hght: ...201609271300F006/CIN/90-0 hPa PDLY
> 2. here we have no dash at all: ...201609271300F006/REFD/1000 m HGHT
> 3. here we have a dash that looks 'normal' ...201609271300F006/SWEM01/0 -
> in the old days we used to have a "!" if i remember correctly
> after a massive amount of googling i came up with someone elses pqact.. i
> think it was from a noaa site somehwere and adapted it like
> NGRID ^(Y.C[A-MZ][05789][0-9]) (KWBY)
> (..)(..)(..)[^!]*!(grib|grib2)/[^/]*/([^/]*)/#([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})(F[0-9]{3})/([^/]*)
> # FILE
> /home/ldm/data/s3/prod/hrrr2/\6/(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3/\4/\7/GRID\8/\(10)Z_\(11)_\(12)-\1_\2_\3\4\5_(seq).\6.%Y%m%d%H
> FILE /home/ldm/data/s3/prod/hrrr/(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3\4_\(10)Z_\(11)_\(12).\6
> which stores them like this:
> 2016092623_2300Z_F001_MAXDVV01.grib2
> 2016092623_2300Z_F012_VSTM.grib2
> 2016092700_0000Z_F005_MXUPHL01.grib2
> and that's as far as i've gotten.. can you please help me add vcoord and
> height in the regex?
That's a fairly generic regular expression. It's not matching the "vcoord" and
"height" parameters already?
I don't know the data all that well. Can you send me examples of the LDM
product-identifiers that you want to match.
> here is a notifyme for what is coming over the dish now.
> http://modelweather.com/files/patrick/chiz/notifyme.hrrr.txt
I didn't find the strings "vcoord" or "height" in that file. Do those
parameters have a different name?
> sorry to be a pain.. but this is. sheesh.. maybe i'm getting old.. well i
> guess i am :/
You and me both, brother. :-)
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OPT-457659
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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