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[IDD #RCE-378402]: Question about level 2 radar feed.
- Subject: [IDD #RCE-378402]: Question about level 2 radar feed.
- Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 13:05:58 -0600
Hi Colin,
> I am currently developing a free-to-use radar vertical/horizontal scan
> tool. However, I am having trouble locating a live data feed for level
> 2 data. Is it possible for me to get access to the IDD LDM ?
You don't say if you are doing your developments as part of your
apparent affiliation with NCSU, or if this is some sort of a private
or intended commercial project. If your efforts are based in the
university, then you should be able to setup an LDM and, after
interacting with folks in the atmospheric science department, get
access to LDM/IDD-delivered Level II data. If this is a private
or commercial effort, you will need to discuss getting a feed
with the atmospheric science folks as they would be the ones that
could feed you the data (after, of course, they setup a feed of
the data to their LDM machine).
> Thank you,
No worries.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RCE-378402
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed