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[IDD #UNV-402209]: Our noaaport machine

Hi Heather,

> Okay Tom,
> I did restart the LDM, can you try again?
> This is what I see in the log file:
> Jan 29 05:05:07 noaapxcd ldmd[25659] NOTE: child 24447 exited with status 1
> Jan 29 05:06:07 noaapxcd ldmd[24457] NOTE: Denying connection from 
> "" because not allowed
> Jan 29 05:06:07 noaapxcd ldmd[24457] NOTE: Exiting

I see the problem now.  The ALLOW for your own machine's external IP is
not allowed:

allow   ANY
allow   ANY     ^ww5\.geoenterpriselab\.com$
#allow  ANY     ^208\.24\.128\.84$ # me
allow   ANY     ^128\.117\.156\.80$ # gale.unidata.ucar.edu
allow   ANY     ^128\.117\.156\.17$ # oliver.unidata.ucar.edu
allow   ANY     ^128\.117\.140\.63$ # emo.unidata.ucar.edu
allow   ANY     ^128\.117\.130\.50$ # agg1.unidata.ucar.edu

You need to uncomment the ALLOW for and restart
the LDM so that the editing change is made active.

The reason for this is that whatever your system admin did resulted
in the external connection(s) (e.g., 'notifyme', ldmd.conf REQUEST)
looking like they come from the local machine.

FYI: the REQUESTs from gale.unidata.ucar.edu are active, so as
asoon as you make the ALLOW change above, I should see data
start flowing again.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UNV-402209
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed