I've had a request from the IT security folks to obtain numerical IP addresses
for the incoming feeds so that they can set up firewall rules. Is this
something you could help me obtain to get them off my back?
On Jul 16, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Jeff Weber wrote:
Hi David,
Looks like you are enjoying the passage of a frontal boundary today :)
We have a request for NLDN data from the good people at:
Contact info is:
Todd D. Ellis
607 436 2309, 607 267 3766(Cell)
Machine Name:
I have informed Todd of the caveats for usage of the NLDN data, and we are
hopeful you will grant access to the feed.
Is still the machine to connect to if the
request is granted?
Thanks for considering this and have a good weekend!
Jeff Weber address@hidden :
Unidata Program Center PH:303-497-8676 :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln : Boulder,Co 80307-3000 :
Dr. Todd D. Ellis
Assistant Professor of Meteorology
Secretary of the Faculty - 2010-2011
CloudSat Education Network Outreach Coordinator
Director, Central NY GLOBE Partnership
SUNY Oneonta ESOP Coordinator
Department of Earth Sciences
108 Ravine Parkway
SUNY College at Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 436-2309
"I don't believe in Quantum Physics when it comes to
matters of the heart"
-- Crash Davis, Bull Durham