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[Staging #EML-186079]: Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC Data
- Subject: [Staging #EML-186079]: Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC Data
- Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 16:20:10 -0600
> Thanks Jeff, I'll give this a try.
> Maybe I'm the one who misinterpreted - I just "assumed" that I was to
> get this data from IDD, but now I wonder why COSMIC would have wanted
> my downstream info...
> Nevertheless, as my LDM capabilities evolve, I anticipate requesting
> other feeds from IDD (e.g. CONDUIT), so this is a good start.
> Thanks,
> Don
Hi Don,
It is always wise to conserve bandwidth.
From our IDD stats page:
...then by site
You can see that the LDM is being widely used by UAF, I suspect your facilities
are close :)
We suggest one feed into the campus or institute, and then fan out internally
from that machine if it has the feeds you desire saving inbound and outbound
Ken Dean
Rorik Peterson
..are the contacts we currently have for that machine, but I fear they may be
out of date.
Rorik was the main contact, if that fails Ken should be able to steer you to
who admins that machine. Let us know if you cannot locate the admin of "dixon"
and we can see if we can take stronger actions by searching our archives of
support, etc...
I was up at the UAF/GI in 2000 for a VAAC conference and that was our first
install of the LDM, it's use continues to grow, let us know how/if we can help
Jeff Weber
Unidata User Support
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EML-186079
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Open