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[IDD #NMC-701918]: USPLN pqact question

Hi Gilbert,

> > what is does your ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf REQUEST line look like (i.e., does
> >  your data request include the NAPLN data)?
> # USPLN/NAPLN North America Lightning Detection Network data.
> #
> request LIGHTNING ".*" PRIMARY
> request LIGHTNING ".*"

OK, these look good.

> Yeah, I know, "PRIMARY" and "ALTERNATE" aren't needed any more.

Yes, but no harm in keeping them.

> notifyme -vl- -f EXP -o 10000 -h upstream_feed_host_for_US/NAPLN_data 

> Wowsers:
> #  notifyme -vl- -f LIGHTNING -o 10000 -h
> Apr 07 19:57:00 notifyme[22982] NOTE: Starting Up: 
> 20090407171020.878 TS_ENDT {{LIGHTNING,  ".*"}}
> Apr 07 19:57:00 notifyme[22982] NOTE: LDM-5 desired product-class: 
> 20090407171020.878 TS_ENDT {{LIGHTNING,  ".*"}}
> Apr 07 19:57:00 notifyme[22982] NOTE: NOTIFYME( OK
> Apr 07 19:57:01 notifyme[22982] INFO:       56 20090407171102.882 LIGHTNING 
> 000  ARL1-ltg-2009_04_07_17_11_00.uspln
> Apr 07 19:57:01 notifyme[22982] INFO:      921 20090407171102.889 LIGHTNING 
> 000  USPLN1EX-2009_04_07_17_11_00.uspln
> Apr 07 19:57:02 notifyme[22982] INFO:       65 20090407171102.895 LIGHTNING 
> 000  invenergy_TN1-ltg-2009_04_07_17_11_00.uspln
> Apr 07 19:57:02 notifyme[22982] INFO:       64 20090407171102.901 LIGHTNING 
> 000  consumersEG1-ltg-2009_04_07_17_11_00.uspln
> Apr 07 19:57:02 notifyme[22982] INFO:      729 20090407171102.907 LIGHTNING 
> 000  USPLN1-ltg-2009_04_07_17_11_00.uspln
> Apr 07 19:57:02 notifyme[22982] INFO:       57 20090407171102.913 LIGHTNING 
> 000  SDGE1-ltg-2009_04_07_17_11_00.uspln
> Apr 07 19:57:02 notifyme[22982] INFO:      988 20090407171102.919 LIGHTNING 
> 000  NAPLN1EX-2009_04_07_17_11_00.dat
> Apr 07 19:57:02 notifyme[22982] INFO:      781 20090407171102.927 LIGHTNING 
> 000  NAPLN1-2009_04_07_17_11_00.dat
> Apr 07 19:57:02 notifyme[22982] INFO:     3692 20090407171102.963 LIGHTNING 
> 000  GLN1EX-2009_04_07_17_11_00.dat

OK.  This shows that

- has the data you want
- has allowed you to request the data
- has a lot more types of lightning data than I knew about... interesting!

re: what is your request pattern

> Hmmmm. Well, ".*" should do it.

Agreed.  I would be surprised, therefore, if you did not receive the
NAPLN data.

Given the NAPLNEX Product IDs you got in your listing, an appropriate
pattern-action entry would be:

#         NAPLN1EX-2009_04_07_17_11_00.dat
LIGHTNING NAPLN1EX-(....)_(..)_(..)_(..)_(..)_..\.dat
    FILE -overwrite -close data/uspln/\1\2\3\4.napln

I am assuming, of course, that there are tabs in appropriate places:

- between LIGHTNING and NAPLN1EX
- before FILE
- between FILE and -overwrite
- between -overwrite and -close

> > the NAPLN data should be a superset of the USPLN data.  I would think
> > that ingesting it would be sufficient.

> "it" in the second sentence meaning  the USPLN data?

No, the NAPLNEX data.  The following Unidata Data page has the information
that WSI provided on the different data:


  "USPLN data is bounded by 20N to 52N, 65W to 128W. NAPLN data is an extended
   coverage of 5N to 65N, 52W to 140W."

The NAPLN data should contain all of the data in the USPLN set.  I would 
opt to get the full set not a subset.

By the way, I am curious if the GLN1EX data is Global Lightning Network data.
I was told by our contact at WSI that they would be making global lightning
data available "in the future", but no time frame was specified.  Perhaps this
is it!?


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NMC-701918
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed