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[IDD #VYA-733962]: LDM latency info and McIDAS access

Hi Guilherme,

> We're still having latency issues at our LDM servers at Universidade
> de Aveiro.  In order to better evaluate the root of such
> problem they want evidence that one day the LDM worked with lower
> latency, but for obvious reasons we don't have such data! Does Unidata
> stores latency data (or graphs)? If so, we would really appreciate
> having something from last year, possibly before August.

I checked with Mike Schmidt (Unidata sysadmin) to see if the rtstats
data is being archived off of our rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu machine.  
it is not:

 "When Chiz worked here, I recall he was running some sort of manual process
  to consolidate down the minutely rtstats data and aggregating it into
  weekly or monthly files. I think that's another task that wasn't picked
  up so the scoured data is lost. We don't backup that data with the
  daily system backups because they're on /data."

We do have the summary rtstats files going back to March 2005. I am looking
through these files to see if there is any usable latency information (but I
am not very hopeful since the latencies would be some sort of an aggregate
if they exist at all. I will let you know if I come up with anything.

Comment and Question:

- I see that the name of the UA machine that was ingesting CONDUIT changed
  somewhere along the way:

  - originally:  atm77.fis.ua.pt
  - now:         atm77-fis.clients.ua.pt

- Is it possible that the beginning of high latencies coincided with the 
  of atm77 to a different subnet?


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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VYA-733962
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Open